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Publication of "What is a woman author? Crossroads of gender and authorship"


The book "What is a woman author? Crossroads of gender and authorship" has been published in the Collection "Women and Cultures" by Icaria Editorial. Edited by Aina Pérez Fontdevila and Meri Torras Francès, researcher and director, respectively, at the research group Body and Sexuality at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, they reflect on the foundations of exclusion and the underestimation of women authors in the cultural field. This is the reason why they have gathered recent research and translations of classical texts which address  this issue from a conceptual and historical point of view, and which revise various author practices from a gender perspective. The book includes texts by Peggy Kamuf, Christine Planté, Francesca Bartrina, Maria-Mercè Marçal, and Katarzyna Paszkiewicz, among others.