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'In the limit of the skin is the metaphor': Catalan women poets of the 21st Century

Doctoral thesis defense
Friday, April 5, 2024, at 11:30 a.m.
Sala del Professorat, Edifici Josep Carner
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
Aribau, 2, 5è pis, 08011 Barcelona
Face-to-face event

Meritxell Matas Revilla, who was a pre-doctoral researcher at the ADHUC  centre, will defend the doctoral thesis entitled «"Al límit de la pell hi ha la metàfora": un estudi de les poetes catalanes del segle XXI», co-directed by Dr Francesco Ardolino and Dr Helena González Fernández. 


The thesis unpacks a proposal for a reading of the Catalan poets of the 21st century, who represent a conscious point of no return in the dominant poetics. Poetry in Catalan in the first decades of the new millennium experienced a unique moment that called for a detailed study: poets became fully aware of the place they occupy within the tradition and are responsible for building the foundations of a female authorial lineage in its own right.


This thesis aims to point out the main features of this poetic production, which is neither a cohesive group, nor does it hide any manifesto, but it does establish shared underground themes and common interests. It is also possible to grasp a political background and a series of readings and confluences with the main feminist, cultural, political and affective theories of the time. In this way, we can affirm that in the 21st century the Catalan female authorial tradition is consolidated and in movement and that the vectors established in the first years of the new century are not only no longer questioned, but are evolving, enriching, multiplying and reaffirming themselves with the new batches of poets and with the work of the Catalan female authors.


Meritxell Matas Revilla