Updated the census of the Bonelli's eagle Spanish population

SEO/BirdLife has published the data of the last census of the Spanish population of Bonelli's eagle made during year 2005. In this publication is compiled all the information about the number of pairs, the evolution of the population and the reproductive parameters in the different Spanish provinces. An important contribution is the incorporation in the publication of a methodology of census standardized for this species.

The global results indicate that the Spanish population was of 733 - 768 pairs in 2005. These values allow to state that the population has experimented a reduction of 14 pairs respect to the data obtained in 2003 by the Work group of the Bonelli's Eagle Eagle of the Ministry of Environment (-1,9% in two years).

The information is available in Del Moral, J.C. (Ed) 2006. El águila perdicera en España. Población en 2005 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.

The updating of the number of pairs present in the different autonomous communities, as well as in the rest of Europe, is available in the section "Distribution in Europe and Spain" of our Web: