
A notification informs the interested party of a resolution that has been adopted by a competent authority.

  • Recipient’s details. Identify the person to whom the notification is to be sent in the top left-hand corner under the heading. Include their name and family name, address, post code, and town or city.

  • Introductory formula. State the date on which the resolution was adopted and by whom.

    Exemple adequatOn 29 October 2021 the coordinator of the Language Services of this university issued the following resolution.

  • Text of the resolution. Reproduce the full text of the resolution below the introductory formula. If it is particularly long, attach it to the notification as a separate document.

  • Appeals. State whether an appeal can be made, to whom and within what time frame.

    Exemple adequatAPPEALS

    This resolution does not exhaust the right of appeal through administrative channels. If you wish to appeal, present an application for further review by the rector within one month from the day after receiving this notification.

  • Signature. In this section, include the signature, the full name and position of the person issuing the notification.

    Exemple adequatImatge sense text alternatiu definit

    Jaume Serra i Alemany
    Head of the Secretary’s Office
    Language Services

  • Place and date. End the notification with the name of the town or city where the document will be signed and the date.

    Exemple adequatBarcelona, 1 November 2021




Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics
Darrera actualització: 28-9-2022
Recommended citation:
«Notification» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 24 setembre 2024].