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The European Union awards the “CoActuem per la salut mental” project, promoted by the University of Barcelona

The European Union’s Prize for Citizen Science, in the category of digital communities, distinguishes the initiative of the UB and the Mental Health Federation of Catalonia for creating the first collaborative chatbot in the service of community mental health.


The University of Experience: opening doors to knowledge for the academic year 2024-2025

Enrolment for the new academic year opens with an expanded range of courses and complementary activities.


New therapeutic targets to fight type 2 diabetes

Designing combination therapies based on the different factors involved in the control of glucose synthesis by the liver could be a more effective strategy to address the treatment of the disease.


An unforgettable musical journey: the Night of Music 2024

On 13 June, the University of Barcelona opens its doors to a magical night on 13 June, with a marathon of concerts and guided tours of the Historic Building.


The team from the University of Barcelona, winner of the Vives University Network Senior Debate League

The UB representatives are students of the University of Experience .


Professor Xavier Trepat receives the Rei Jaume I Prize on biomedical research

Xavier Trepat has received the prize as a pioneer in the field of mechanobiology, a rapidly evolving discipline with deep implications for the understanding of cell biology, embryology and cancer.


The University of Barcelona, awarded for its track record in the Erasmus Mundus programme

The UB has twelve active Erasmus Mundus master’s degrees, involving seven faculties, sixty-one universities and twenty countries.

Studies offering

All the UB courses