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Abellán, A., Vilaplana, J.M., Calvet, J., García, D. (2008b): Seguimiento (monitoring) de laderas rocosas mediante un Láser Escáner Terrestre. Zona de estudio piloto en Castellfollit de la Roca. Cataluña. Geotemas: 10: 1385-1388

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Abellán, A., Oppikofer, T., Jaboyedoff, M., Vilaplana, J.M.,submitted under review. Detection of millimetric deformation using a terrestrial laser scanner: Experiment and application to a rockfall event. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.

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Beamud, E., Fitzgerald, PG., Muñoz, JA., Garcés, M., Baldwin, SL., Webb, LE., Schwabe, E., Cabrera, Ll., Termocronología de los conglomerados sintectónicos de la Zona Central Surpirenaica, Geotemas, 10, 465 (4 pp. formato digital)

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Casanovas-Vilar, I.; Albà, D.; Moyà-Solà, S.; Galindo, J.; Cabrera, Ll.; Garcés, M.; Furió, M.; Robles, J.M.; Köhler, M.; Angelone, C. (2008), Biochronological, taphonomical and paleoenvironmental background of the fossil great ape Pieralopithecus catalaunicus (Primates, Hominidae), Journal of Human Evolution 55: 589-603, doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2008.05.004.

Costa, E.; Gómez-Paccard, M.; López-Blanco, M.; Garcés, M.; Beamud, I.; Larrasoaña, J.C and Cabrera, Ll., Eocene-Oligocene magnetostratigraphy from the central part of the SE margin of the Ebro Basin. Geotemas, 10, 345 (4 pp. formato digital)

J.Corominas, R. Martín and E. Vàzquez-Suñé (2008). Hydrological modelling of the Vallcebre landslide. In: Chen, Z.; Zhang, J.; Li, Z.; Wu, F. & Ho, K. (editors). Landslides and engineered slopes: from the past to the future. Vol 2. CRC Press. pp. 1517-1523

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Ferrer, O.; Roca, E.; Muñoz, J.A.; Frankovic, A. (2008) Salt tectonics in the Parentis Basin (Eastern Bay of Biscay). Geotemas. 10, 345-348.

Ferrer, O.; Roca, E.; Benjumea, B.; Muñoz, J.A. (2008) The MARCONI-3 deep seismic reflection profile: structure of the north Pyrenean foreland at the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay.  Geotemas. 10, 441-444.

Ferrer, O.; Vendeville, B.C.; Roca, E. (2008). Influence of a syntectonic viscous salt laye ron the structural evolution of extensional kinked-fault systems. Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, V.49 (2), 371-375.

Garcés, M.; Cabrera, Ll.; Roca, E.; Gratacós, O. (2008), Comment on “The diachroneity of alluvial-fan lithostratigraphy? A test case from southeastern Ebro basin magnetostratigraphy” by N. Swanson-Hysell and D. L. Barbeau, Jr., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.024.

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Roca, E.; Ferrer, O.; Ellouz, N.; Benjumea, B.; Muñoz, J.A.; MARCONI Team. (2008) The north Pyrenean front and related foreland basin along the Bay of Biscay: constraints from the MARCONI deep seismic reflection survey. Geotemas. 10, 405-408.

Rubinat Cabanas, M.; Roca i Abella, E. (2008) Estructura y cinemática del diapiro reactivado de Bicorb-Quesa (Prebético Oriental de Valencia) Geo-Temas vol.10 p.141

Rubinat Cabanas, M.; Rossell, O.; Ledo, J.; Roca i Abella, E.; Bausà, J.; Carmona, A.; Falgàs, E.; Quintà, A.; Marin, M.A.; Meléndez, A.; Queralt, P. (2008) Caracterización del Diapiro de Bicorb-Quesa (Sistema Bético Externo, Valencia) Geo-Temas vol.10 p.113

Slooten, L.J., Batlle, F., Carrera, J. (2008). PROOST: a Problem Solving Environment for hydrogeological simulation and optimization problems. Para reenviarse a Advances in Water Resources.

Snidero, M.; Amilibia, A.; Gratacos, O.; Muñoz, J.A. (2008): 3D Reconstruction of geological structures based on remote sensing data: example from Anaran anticline, (Lurestan province, Zagros fold and thrust belt, Iran). Geo-Temas vol.10 p.156.

Soriano Clemente, C.; Beamud, E.; Garcés, M. (2008) Magma flow patterns in dikes from rift zones of the basaltic shield of Tenerife, Canary Islands: Implications for the emplacement of buoyant magma, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 173: 55-68

Suriñach, E. Vilajosana, I. Khazaradze, G. Abellán, A. García-Sellés, D. Vilaplana, J.M. Llosa, J. (2008). Análisis de señales sísmicas producidas por caídas de rocas en Montserrat (Barcelona). Geo-Temas 10.

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Yu, L., Batlle, F., Carrera, J. Gas flow to a vertical gas extraction well in deformable MSW Landfills. Journal of Hazardous Material. En revisión.

Yu, L., Batlle, F. A coupled model for prediction of secondary settlement and gas flow in MSW Landfills. En revisión.


