By: admin

“The political consequences of financial and trade shocks: historical evidence from individual level panel-data in Catalonia, 1920-1950” Principal Investigators (PIs): Francesc Amat and Enrique…

Daniel Cetrà has been awarded a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship and Sergi Martínez has been awarded a Juan de la Cierva…

A new edition of the two-year Master in Institutions and Political Economy will begin next term on September 25, 2023. Please…

Check the program here: Yale UB HPE workshop 2023

The research group has received new funding by AGAUR as a consolidated research group.

The Workshop will explore the political consequences of the pandemic crisis. Program Pandemic Crisis and Democratic Preferences

IPERG-UB CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2022 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship The Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG), at the University of Barcelona…

Check the programme for the Workshop on Contested (Political and National) identities held on May 30-31, 2022 in the Faculty of Economics…

IPERG-UB CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: BEATRIU DE PINÓS 2022 POSTDOCTORAL PROGRAM  The Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG), at the University…