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Call for postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the field of “Movement and Spatial Ecology”

Image: @Seabird Ecology Lab

Are you a postdoctoral researcher thinking about your next career move? The Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships are a great option if you are an experienced researcher looking to give your career a boost by working abroad.

 Group and project information

 Understanding the fishery footprint on marine ecosystems.

 Modelling spatiotemporal fishery efforts at high-resolution is crucial for understanding the impact of fisheries on marine ecosystems, which is a major global concern. The aim of the proposed research program is to quantify fishery activity across different regions of major concern (e.g. Mediterranean Sea, West Africa) based on multisource geopositioning data including VMS (2 hour resolution), AIS (5 min resolution), and GPS (1 min resolution) data logger, obtained in combination with onboard observations. Big data modelling of these datasets is expected to allow us to infer the type of fishery and fishery activities based on their motion (e.g. trajectory statistics, diffusive properties, home ranges). This information is crucial to evaluate the risk of seabird bycatch and understand its impact on seabird populations. The interaction between seabirds and fisheries will also be studied by combining modelled vessel information with seabird tracking including the deployment of radar boat detection on seabirds. We are also keen to use these datasets to understand the fishery footprint on marine ecosystems more generally.

 This is a collaboration between two research groups.



 Support for applicants

 The University of Barcelona has an established and outstanding ECR training program in which the candidate will participate.

 The International Research Projects Office at the University of Barcelona offers support to applicants (eligibility check, info sessions, feedback on the draft proposal) and has recently launched a Mentoring program specifically designed for MSCA applicants (subject to availability)

The project manager from IRBIo offers support the applicant during the writing proposal with the supervisor and the International Research Project Office.

If you are interested send CV and motivation letter to irbio@ub.edu or jgsolis@ub.edu before July 10th