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Ofertas de trabajo, PhD, postdocs

Call for postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the field of Marine Reserves and integrated management.

Call for postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the field of Marine Reserves and integrated management.

Are you a postdoctoral researcher thinking about your next career move? The Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships are a great option if you are an experienced researcher looking to give your career a boost by working abroad.
Application deadline (internal):  11th of May 2024
Required documents CV and motivation letter, 2 recommendation letters
Send your application to: Bernat Hereu hereu@ub.edu 
Postdoctoral position in REDUCE project “Demographic Impacts of Climate Change on Pelagic Seabirds in the Atlantic”

Postdoctoral position in REDUCE project “Demographic Impacts of Climate Change on Pelagic Seabirds in the Atlantic”

Are you a postdoctoral researcher thinking about your next career move? If you are looking to give your career a boost by working abroad, the call for Post-doctoral positions “MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024" open 10th April. Check whether you are eligible: https://marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/calls/msca-postdoct…
Application deadline (internal):  5th of May 2024

Estudiante predoctoral para solicitar una ayuda Joan Oró (FI 2024) de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Estudiante predoctoral para solicitar una ayuda Joan Oró (FI 2024) de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Buscamos a un candidato/a para realizar una tesis doctoral en el marco de un proyecto nacional coordinado entre la Universidad de Barcelona (UB), la Universidad de la Illes Balears (UIB) y el Institut d’Estudis Mediterrani (IMEDEA)-CSIC de Mallorca (título proyecto:” El síndrome de insularidad: hacia una integración de la historia de vida, simbiontes intestinales y dinámicas poblacionales”).
Fecha límite: 10 de octubre 2023
Oferta contrato predoctoral

Oferta contrato predoctoral

Oferta contrato predoctoral "“Adaptabilidad genética de las especies marinas en gradientes naturales análogos a los océanos del futuro (DIVERGEN)”