
Welcome to the “Arxiu Audiovisual - Mediateca d'Imatge” Website  ("Audiovisual Archives - Mediatheque d'Image")

The Grup “ArxiuAV” (AVArchive) is composed by faculty members drawn from the Image Department of the University of Barcelona (UB) that have created this website as a communication platform.

We will publish to this website the results of our current research. We want to share our ideas and interests with other people and groups concerned with research issues related to the audiovisual archives.

In the MEDIATECA you can get access to more than 2000 films and videos.

Under construction: It is only a portion of the file available now. We continue working...

The physical location of the Mediateca d'Imatge is in the Lab-Media (UB), where some of the audiovisual works that we have been selected here and others that are part of the collection can be viewed in DVD or VHS.

For more information visit the website of the Lab-Media