Acta Mediaevalia
The journal "Acta Historica et Archaeologica Mediaevalia", abbreviated as "Acta Mediaevalia", is the regular publication of the of the Department of Medieval History, Palaeography and Diplomatics. It is divided into three sections: ’Sources and Documents’, ’History’ and ’Archaeology’. The journal also includes book reviews and is exchanged with a large number of universities and research institutions around the world. The content of the journal focuses on medieval history and culture.
It was first published in 1980 under the direction of professors Salvador Claramunt Rodríguez and Manuel Riu i Riu. The most recent issue is No. 31, corresponding journal has published its 31st issue, and corresponds to the biennium 2011-2013. The journal periodicity is one issue per year or every two years, depending on several factors.
Admitted languages are English, German, and all the Romance Languages.
The current directors are Salvador Claramunt Rodríguez and Antoni Riera Melis, both professors of Medieval History at the University of Barcelona.