ACCOMPLISSH consortium As a project from the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme, the ACCOMPLISSH project gathers 14 universities from 12 European countries with a common purpose: to rethink impact of Social Sciences and Humanities knowledge from a co-creation approach.

Thereby, the carefully chosen acronym ACCOMPLISSH stands for: Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities. It covers the project in a single word: it faces the challenge of creating an innovative valorisation concept to strengthen the position and impact generation of SSH. To make it possible, we need to go beyond the traditional valorisation approaches, focused on linear processes: from academia to society. That is why ACCOMPLISSH conceives cooperation of all relevant actors in an equal setting: co-creation. Co-creation transcends boundaries, but it does not happen naturally. Therefore, the project involves the partners in a dialogue platform based on the so called Quadruple Helix – formed by industry, governments and societal partners and academia.

ACCOMPLISSH Dialogue platform model As result of the research carried out along three years at a European level, ACCOMPLISSH have delivered high-level papers on Co-creation theoretical analysis, Co-creation practical analysis, a Working paper in research design & research communication, and a Valorisation concept Manual. This list will be completed with new publications and training modules.

 Furthermore, since the day one, the ACCOMPLISSH dialogue platforms have been working and generating not only meetings among universities and but also spaces of encounter between academia, government, industry and societal organisations. Apart from these European ACCOMPLISSH events, the project has brought its voice to other European forums and has fostered the realization of several regional impact initiatives. Now, each university of the consortium has its own impact plan to enhance the local co-creation horizon beyond ACCOMPLISSH.

At this stage of the project, the ACCOMPLISSH Co-creACTION Summit hosted in Barcelona stands out as a concluding event that will allow to share more directly the obtained results and its potential applications with stakeholders and end-users form the quadruple helix and the society in general, as well as to frame the next steps. Thereby, the summit objectives are:

  • To discuss the ACCOMPLISSH project results on SSH impact and quadruple helix collaborative projects in a public forum.
  • To generate debate on SSH impact and quadruple helix collaborative projects with diverse stakeholders -such as businesses, policy makers, civil servants, NGO’s, citizens, young and consolidated SSH researchers and support staff.
  • To present the ACCOMPLISSH outputs as a new reference to reflect on how SSH co-creation approach can contribute in the debate on the SSH role in the EU research and innovation policies.
  • To set a frame for further future European debate on co-creation and impact-driven SSH research, in which SSH research stands out as a cross-cutting theme throughout Horizon 2020 and beyond.
  • To show cases of practical applications of SSH co-creation approach on current and future 21st problems in the European agenda, such as sustainability, migrations or the technological change.
  • To present young researchers perspective on co-creation.
  • To discuss on future challenges on co-creation, SSH impact and quadruple helix collaborative projects.
  • To reflect on the role of quadruple helix on the public agenda by finding innovative and unexpected ways in which collaboration can contribute to solve the 21st century problems.
  • To discuss with the involved agents how to go from ACCOMPLISSH findings to ACCOMPLISSH next steps.
  • To foster networking between SSH actors and quadruple helix partners for further future collaboration.

More information on ACCOMPLISSH



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