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The Paleomagnetic Laboratory was founded in 1987. It resulted from an agreement reached between the "Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas" (CSIC) and the Catalonian Geological Service, which in that moment was attached to the "Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques" of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Nowadays, the laboratory depends on the CCiTUB (University of Barcelona) and the CSIC. It is located in the Geosciences Barcelona building (formerly Institute of Earth Sciences "Jaume Almera", CSIC) in the University Area.

Geosciences Barcelona (CSIC)

The laboratory provides technical support to research groups working on several research topics within the Earth Sciences, among them:

  • Magnetostratigraphic dating of sedimentary sequences and correlation with their fossil and paleoenvironmental record.
  • Paleomagnetism applied to the study of orogenic belts and plate tectonics.
  • Archaeomagnetic dating of archaeological remains.
  • Environmental magnetic studies aimed to unravel paleoenvironmental and climatic variations in the sedimentary record 

It collaborates with numerous national research groups from the Universities of Barcelona, Autònoma de Barcelona, Zaragoza, Autónoma de Madrid, Complutense de Madrid, Granada, Madrid, Euskadi, Salamanca, Tarragona or Valencia, several research groups of the CSIC: CMIMA, IDAEA, Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Institute of Natural products, researchers from the IGME or the Institute of Paleontology of Sabadell, and international researchers from the Universities of Utrecht, Geneve, Instituto Antártico Argentino, Coimbra, Michigan or Leoben.

The laboratory is integrated in the EPOS thematic core services Multi-scale laboratories