Presentation of the book ʻDiners. Noves regles de jocʼ

Presentation of the book ʻDiners. Noves regles de jocʼ
25/11/14 | 12:00

Presentation of the book Diners. Noves regles de joc (Miret Editorial, 2014), the Catalan edition of Money. New Rules of the Game, by Christian Felber, one of the promoters of the economy for the coomon good (ECG). Together with the author, Elisenda Paluzie, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business; Mercè Carreras Solanas, coordinator of EBC-UB; Marta Rodríguez Tobalo, graduate in Business Administration and Management, and Joan Miret, editor, participate in the presentation too.

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Faculty of Economics and Business, Aula Magna
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University of Barcelona