Presentation of the book 'Arts i naturalesa. Biologia i simbolisme a la Barcelona del 1900'

Presentació del llibre: «Arts i naturalesa»
04/05/15 | 19:00

Presentation of the book Arts i naturalesa. Biologia i simbolisme a la Barcelona del 1900, coordinated by Pere Capellà and Antoni Galmés. The book is part of the collection Singularitats of the Research Group History of Art and of Contemporary Design of the University of Barcelona (GRACMON). The book will be presented by Gonçal Mayos, lecturer of philosophy at the University of Barcelona, and Teresa M. Sala, main research of the project. The authors of the book also participate in the event.

Further information (in Catalan)



bookshop Casa del Llibre (Rambla de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Organized by:
Publicacions i Edicions de la UB