Exhibition: “Quan les pedres parlen. Megalitisme a Catalunya”

Exhibition: “Quan les pedres parlen. Megalitisme a Catalunya”
10/11/17 - 17/12/17 | 16:22

Megaliths are one of the most unique heritage elements of our past. This exhibition, opened on November 10, at 7 p.m. in Centre Cívic Els Roures, shows several informative panels, as well as educational mockups, the reproduction of a menhir statue and different videos where the experts share their view.


Further information

Centre Cívic Els Roures (avinguda de Sitges, 13. Begues)
Organized by:
Collective for Research on Prehistory and Archaeology in Garraf-Ordal (CIPAG) and UB Research Group DIDPATRI