  • Bioethics Commission of University of Barcelona
  • CBUB Technical Office
    C/Baldiri i Reixac 2
    2nd floor, Room 230
    08028 Barcelona
  • Tel. ext 35 463 
  • cbub@ub.edu
  • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

CBUB Communiques

Statement from the CBUB regarding information sheets for participants in research projects

Given the numerous cases in which the information sheet provided to participants in research projects or doctoral theses is considered inadequate, the CBUB agrees to establish the following minimum common guidelines:

Statement from the CBUB on the alleged plagiarism of a work of UB Editions

The media have recently echoed such a serious incident as the alleged case of plagiarism committed by a rector of a Spanish university.

Communication from the University of Barcelona Bioethics Commission (CBUB) on possible ethical problems in scientific publications (2017)

The CBUB has discussed the possible ethical problems that may arise when publishing the results of an investigation, as well as the recommendations that have been made in this regard by instances such as the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In order to reduce the incidence of problems in this type of scientific communications, the CBUB has considered appropriate to issue the Communicate below.

Statement regarding Doctoral Theses presented at UB

Doctoral candidates who wish to carry out and present their Doctoral Thesis at any of the Centers of the UB, in the event that their Thesis project includes any of the following procedures:

Statement from the CBUB regarding student participation in research projects

In relation to the participation of students from the University of Barcelona in research projects led by professors and researchers of this university, the CBUB would like to convey to the university community the following considerations.

The participation of students in research projects can be approached in different ways, depending on the purpose of their involvement.