Madeleine Hyde
ESR6 -
Home Institution:
Stockholm University -
Email: -
URL: -
Further Information:
I did my undergraduate degree in Philosophy at the University of York, followed by the MLitt in Philosophy on the St Andrews/University of Stirling joint programme. My research interests since my time at York have been in the Philosophy of Perception, and since then I have also had a growing interest in the Epistemology of Perception, an area of philosophy that is rapidly expanding right now. The first year of my PhD has been spent fostering this interest through attending and speaking at several different workshops which have introduced me to new research, as well as many fruitful meetings with my primary supervisor, Kathrin Glüer-Pagin.
The Diaphora project and especially the Stockholm work-package on ‘The Nature of Representation’ are perfect for me, as I not only get to work on my specific areas of interest with supervisors who are experts in these areas, but I also get to meet many other academics with similar or related interests.