Moritz Baron
WP1, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP7
ESR11 -
Home Institution:
University of Stirling -
Email: -
URL: -
Further Information:
I did my undergraduate degree in Philosophy at the University of Graz, Austria, where I also graduated from a BSc in Physics. Before coming to the University of Stirling for my PhD in the DIAPHORA project, I did an MLitt in Philosophy at the St. Andrews and Stirling Graduate Programme in Philosophy (SASP).
My research interests in Philosophy have always been revolving around, amongst other things, the intersection of philosophy and physics. In my undergraduate theses, I took a closer look (in philosophy) at the individuation of domains of discourse in manifestation pluralism, a recently proposed theory of truth, and (in physics) on invariance, where I prove a generalized Noether’s Theorem for fractional differential equations. Since I began my Master’s studies, I have focused more on Epistemology. In my Master’s dissertation, I argue for a supplementation and revision of a recent account in the epistemology of self-knowledge by looking back to a Leibnizian-inspired theory of perception.
The DIAPHORA workpackage of the University of Stirling, ‘a priori knowledge’ ties in perfectly with the questions and theoretical fields I am interested in. My current doctoral research project on the non-uniformity of our ways of knowing modal facts, also fits in many ways both the DIAPHORA-project’s research topics and my personal interests, such as disagreement, pluralism or invariance. The team of experts at the University of Stirling and St. Andrews are crucial for my research project and the development of my general research interests with their expertise in, amongst other fields, the Epistemology of Modality or the Philosophy of Mathematics. I know that, additionally, I stand to benefit greatly from the international character of the DIAPHORA project and the many opportunities such a European project brings with it – in terms of exchange of ideas and expertise or the research stays at other universities.