International Conference Men in Movement, V “Masculinities and viable futures”

Section professor Gemma Torres Delgado will participate in the International Conference “Masculinities and viable futures”, which will be held in Barcelona from September 29 to October 1, organized by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC; Homes Igualitaris (AHIGE-CATALUNYA) i MEDUSA Gèneres en transició (Research Group) with the support of the Women’s Institute. The Conference is […]

Section professor Gemma Torres Delgado will participate in the International Conference “Masculinities and viable futures”, which will be held in Barcelona from September 29 to October 1, organized by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC; Homes Igualitaris (AHIGE-CATALUNYA) i MEDUSA Gèneres en transició (Research Group) with the support of the Women’s Institute.

The Conference is the fifth edition of the international Men on the Move conference, it will bring together a very long list of specialists from different disciplines, who will take part in dialogues around different themes: Rethinking masculinities; Masculinity, Gender and Nation; Aged masculinities in the contemporary world; Men and the feminist agenda; The future of male bodies, sexualities and affections; A critical view from the Iberian-American masculinities; The future of masculinities.

Professor Genna Torres will participate in the Masculinity, Gender and Nation table on September 30 at 10 am, along with Stefanie Mayer (Univ. Applied Sciences, Wien, Austria).

The sessions will be held at the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona and it will be possible to register at this enllaç.

They can also be followed by streaming, clicking aquí.