Works D.E.A.

Consumption, salary and balance of the working class economics through the press from a gender perspective. Debates, controversies and demands on living standards in “Solidaridad Obrera” and “La Batalla” (1931-1936)

Author: PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ, Noelia

Director: Dra. Cristina Borderías Mondéjar, catedràtica

Barcelona University, 2003-2004

This research project is focused on the analysis of the standards of life of the Barcelona working classes during the Republic, according to the anarchist and Marxist press. There are two aspects on which we have focused:

One of a quantitative nature, for which we have tried to collect exhaustively data on prices of basic necessities, individual and family salaries and family budgets. The data collected can be a contribution of interest, especially in this last aspect, the studies currently underway on the living standards of the working classes.

The second aspect that has focused our attention concerns the models of work, salary and functioning of the organization and the family economy that characterized the aspirations of these two workers’ organizations, and based their claims on entrepreneurs and the State.