Works D.E.A.

“El Trabajo”. The weekly newspaper of the CNT committees in the regions of Berguedà and Bages (1922-23, 1931-34, 1937-38)

Author: CARA RINCÓN, Josep

Director: Dra. Susanna Tavera García, catedràtica

Barcelona University, 2002-2003

The present investigation makes an approximation to the first period of the anarcho-syndicalist newspaper El Trabajo, spokesman of the unions attached to the CNT of Berguedà, Bages and Solsonès. The analysis of the newspaper provides valuable information about the workers’ movement in central Catalonia in the years 1922 and 1923, an absolutely crucial perdiod for anarchism.

In the same way, a thematic analysis of the publication highlights its main points of interest: organization, pacifism, the fight against repression, anticlericalism and the importance of culture and education. It also shows the peculiar trade unionism of that area where, among other things, the predominance of the textile industry -which occupied all women- impregnated the anarchist movement with a strong sensibility in favor of female emancipation.

The work focuses on a study of the weekly newspaper El Trabajo spokesperson of the unions attached to the “Confederación Nacional del Trabajo” (CNT) of the Alt Llobregat and Cardener, an area that corresponds approximately to the regions of Berguedà, Bages and Solsonès. It is a study of the newspaper spokesman of the different unions of the call district Manresa-Berga and of the anarcosindicalismo through the newspaper. The newspaper is in fact one more expression of union militancy and a good way to measure this intense activity of the CNT in Alt Llobregat. This worker spokesman had three periods: the first from 1922 to 1923, the second from 1931 to 1934 and the third from 1937 to 1938. The present work focuses on the first period.