Works D.E.A.

The Republic in the municipality of Subirats (1931-1936)

Author: BERTRAN CASAS, Josep

Barcelona University, 2006-2007

The era of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936) has been a period totally unknown to the vast majority of inhabitants of this country for many years. Although lately it has been published more on this subject and its knowledge has been extended, many populations exist where they ignore the events that happened in their territory during the Republic. The spreading of oral memory in the villages was shattered by fear during the Francoist years and by a voluntary censorship on many occasions of witnesses who preferred to forget a convulsive period that preceded a Civil War (GC). In addition, a large part of the population disappeared during the armed conflict and another was exiled to never return, nor when the Franco regime ended. All this has helped people generally have a great ignorance of the period of the Republic in our towns and municipalities.
The objective of this work is to know how the Republic lived in an agricultural municipality of the Alt Penedès as it is Subirats. The research explores the local political and socio-economic aspects as well as analyzes the influence on the day to day of the municipality of events at the level of Catalonia and the State during the Republic. At no time did the local protagonists of the events have been ignored, since the closest relationship between the story and the life of the municipality and its neighbors has been sought during this period.
The study is focused on the local area, therefore, it is clear that the main sources for elaborating it must come from the same municipality. Taking this criterion into account, the basic source has been the Archive of the Subirats Town Hall, the Subirats Municipal Archive (AMS). This archive has extracted much of the material from the annexes and information about the municipality. Based on this documentation, the objective was to look for complementary information in different aspects, later to tie it and to create a conductive thread following the chronology of the years of the Republic. The information extracted from the AMS has been completed with oral sources, specific bibliography of the municipality, regional bibliography and aspects related to the municipality, general bibliography, other archives outside the local area and newspapers of the time. On the other hand, consultation in other archives such as the historic historical archive of Vilafranca (AHCVP) or the historical archive of the city of Barcelona (AHCB) has been timely and aimed at deepening in very specific aspects of events that took place in the municipality during that period. This has also been the goal of consulting newspapers of the time such as La Humanitat or L'Opinion, since its emptying has been reduced to very short periods of time.