HOLODYN: A research team in holomorphic dynamics
Within HoloDyn, we organize various events, including:
• Summer schools: Topics in Complex Dynamics
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We organize a biennial summer school “Topics in complex dynamics” at the Universitat de Barcelona (supported by the Institut de Matemàtiques (IMUB) and Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM)). See more information on the past editions of the school here.
The upcoming school: Topics in Complex Dynamics 2025, June 2-6.

• Holomorphic Days
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These are one-day events where several talks take place. The goal is to discuss recent advances by members of the group and regular visitors. Holomorphic days usually coincide with the end of the academic year and are organized under the framework of the Holodyn Complex Dynamics seminar at UB.
Former participants in a Holomorphic Day include Robert Devaney (Boston University, US), Patricia Dominguez (UNAM, Mexico), Phil Rippon (Open University, UK), and Gwyneth Stallard (Open University, UK), among others.
The last Holomorphic day took place in 2022 and you can find details here. More information on past editions is found here.
Holomorphic days 2024 (Monestir Avellanes, Os de Balaguer)

• Conferences
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Members of the group coorganize (or are part of scientific committees of) conferences and events outside of UB. Some examples are:
- Parameter spaces in complex dynamics and related topics. CRM Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, Italy. 27-31 May, 2024.
- Spanish-Polish Mathematical Meeting. Special session in Discrete Dynamical Systems. Lodz, Poland. September 4-8, 2023.
- Modern Holomorphic Dynamics and Related Fields. University of Warsaw, March 1 – June 30, 2023.
- Connections: Complex Dynamics. MSRI (Berkeley), Feb 2-4, 2022.
- Advancing Bridges in Complex Dynamics. Workshop at CIRM Luminy, 20-24 Sep. 2021.
- On Geometric Complexity of Julia Sets II, Online conference, July 2020.
- Intensive Research Program: Low Dimensional Dynamical Systems and Applications. Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, 3 months in Spring 2020. (Interrupted due to COVID).
- Minisymposium in transcendental Dynamics. Dynamical Systems and Equations, Krakow, September 2019.
- On Geometric Complexity of Julia Sets I. Conference at Banach Center, Poland, March 2018.
- Special Session in Low dimensional Discrete Dynamical Systems. Joint meeting of the Czeck, Slovenian, Austrian, Slovakian and Catalan Mathematical Societies (CSASC2016). Barcelona, September 2016.
- Special Session in Holomorphic Dynamics. AMS-EMS-PMS meeting. Porto, June 2015.
- New Perspectives in Discrete Dynamical Systems. Tossa de Mar, Spain. October 2-4 2014.
- Topological and combinatorial problems in one-dimensional complex dynamics. CRM Ennio di Giorgi, Pisa, Italy. October 14–18, 2013
- Special Session in Complex Dyn. ICDEA 2012. 25 participants. Barcelona, Jul. 23-27, 2012.
- Dynamics and Topology. International Conference in the honour of Robert L. Devaney’s 60th birthday.Tossa de Mar, Spain . 90 participants. April 21–25, 2008.

Summer schools:
Topics in Complex Dynamics
We organize a biennial summer school “Topics in complex dynamics” at the Universitat de Barcelona (supported by the Institut de Matemàtiques (IMUB) and Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM)). See more information on the past editions of the school here.
The upcoming school: Topics in Complex Dynamics 2025, June 2-6.

Holomorphic Days
These are one-day events where several talks take place. The goal is to discuss recent advances by members of the group and regular visitors. Holomorphic days usually coincide with the end of the academic year and are organized under the framework of the Holodyn Complex Dynamics seminar at UB.
Former participants include Robert Devaney (Boston University, US), Patricia Dominguez (UNAM, Mexico), Phil Rippon (Open University, UK), and Gwyneth Stallard (Open University, UK), among others.
Holomorphic days 2024 (Monestir Avellanes, Os de Balaguer)
Holomorphic days 2022 (IMUB)
Past Holomorphic Days

Members of the group coorganize (or are part of scientific committees of) conferences and events outside of UB. Some recent ones are below and others can be found HERE.
- Parameter spaces in complex dynamics and related topics. CRM Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, Italy. 27-31 May, 2024.
- Spanish-Polish Mathematical Meeting. Special session in Discrete Dynamical Systems. Lodz, Poland. September 4-8, 2023.
- Modern Holomorphic Dynamics and Related Fields. University of Warsaw, March 1 – June 30, 2023.
- Connections: Complex Dynamics. MSRI (Berkeley), Feb 2-4, 2022.
- Advancing Bridges in Complex Dynamics. Workshop at CIRM Luminy, 20-24 Sep. 2021