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Professor Xavier Trepat receives the Rei Jaume I Prize on biomedical research

Xavier Trepat has received the prize as a pioneer in the field of mechanobiology, a rapidly evolving discipline with deep implications for the understanding of cell biology, embryology and cancer.


Voting for the guest artists of Els Vespres d’Estiu

Between 5 and 10 June, the UB community chooses the finalist groups to perform as guest artists at this year’s Els Vespres d'Estiu.


An unforgettable musical journey: the Night of Music 2024

On 13 June, the University of Barcelona opens its doors to a magical night on 13 June, with a marathon of concerts and guided tours of the Historic Building.


The University of Barcelona, awarded for its track record in the Erasmus Mundus programme

The UB has twelve active Erasmus Mundus master’s degrees, involving seven faculties, sixty-one universities and twenty countries.


Course to introduce financial education in primary education

The aim is to train teachers and education students to teach children concepts such as the value of money or ways to save up.


Eternity in eleven acts: Àlex Nogué transforms the Clock Tower

An immersive exploration of time and memory, with the art installation in the historic Clock Tower.


The UB joins Europe’s landmark research infrastructure in biological and biomedical imaging

The UB’s Scientific and Technological Centres will coordinate a new node specialising in live cell microscopy and in vivo microscopy in Euro-BioImaging ERIC.


The UB hosts the university entrance examinations

More than eleven thousand students will sit the exams in the fifty-seven examining boards that will be set up in the faculties of the University of Barcelona.

Studies offering

All the UB courses