Grup de Recerca de Geobotànica i Cartografia de la Vegetació
català castellano english
Arnau Mercadé López
Arnau Mercadé López
Home institution: Dept. de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals (secció Botànica i Micologia), UB
Professional status: Tècnic de suport a la recerca
Basic data:

I have worked in the fields of florístics and vegetation science.

In the first case I have collaborated in the compilation of critical catalogues and in studies related with the conservation of the vascular flora, in the Pyrenean area and in central Catalonia.

In the second field, I have produced phytosociological bases and analyzed them through numerical classification methods. At present, I participate actively in the area of the vegetation mapping, both in the fieldwork and in the edition through SIG tools.

Grup de Recerca de Geobotànica i Cartografia de la Vegetació
Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Biologia
Avinguda Diagonal, 643. 08028 Barcelona
Tel.:934 021 476 - Fax: 934 112 842