The Aporia group develops its activity within the framework of Contemporary Philosophy. The professors who make up the group direct doctoral theses related to authors from the 19th century to the present day, with all thematic accents: ethical, political, aesthetic, anthropological, metaphysical…

Its main lines of research are the following:

  • The articulation of a philosophical anthropology, with the name “philosophy of proximity”.

  • The elaboration of an ethics of care, capable of being projected in several fields: bioethics, ethics of social services, ethics of artificial intelligence…
  • The intersection between philosophy and mental health, which is a line developed in collaboration with professionals of the social and health field and hospital institutions.

  • The deployment of a philosophy of education.


  • Aporia. Consolidated Research Group (SGR): 2021 SGR 00294 

  • “La mirada filosófica como mirada médica”

  • Research agreement between Aporia Group and Fundació Hospitalària Sant Pere Claver


El 4 de febrer a Banyoles, Begoña Román intervindrà en la següent jornada de reflexió sobre pràctiques residencials i de la llar. Us en compartim el cartell:

#filosofia #etica #politica

Del 4 de febrer al 4 de març, Josep Maria Esquirol i Begoña Román imparteixen el curs "En el fons de l'ésser humà", a l'Institut Docència Pere Claver @pereclavergrup

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