Title: Discovery of dual A&b./Tau inhibitors and evaluation of their therapeutic effect on a Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s disease

Authors: Gandini, A.; Gonçalves, A.E.; Strocchi, S.; Albertini, C.; Janocková, J.; Tramarin, A.; Grifoni, D.; Poeta, E.; Soukup, O.; Muñoz-Torrero, D.; Monti, B.; Sabaté, R.; Bartolini, M.; Legname, G.; Bolognesi, M.L.
Journal: Acs Chemical Neuroscience
Vol: 13
Number: 23
Start page: 3314
Last page: 3329
DOI: doi
Institutional repositories: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192798
Year: 2022
Key: Article
