
  • Aparicio-Chueca, P.; Triadó-Ivern, X.; Calleja-Blanco, J. (2023). Relationship between the Use of the Virtual Campus (Moodle) and Academic Performance: First-Year Student Profiles, 17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, Spain.
  • Aparicio-Chueca, P.; Triadó-Ivern, X.; Calleja-Blanco, J. (2023). Plataformas de Learning y Rendimiento: ¿Dos Variables que Enlazadas? XII Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), Lleida, Spain.
  • Armstrong, R. (2023). The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills at Work (DBT-SAW) inventory for capturing paradox learning outcomes. Paradox Research Education Practice (PREP) Conference 2023, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Armstrong, R. (2023). The Top of the Mountain? The implications of a paradoxical view of behavior for paradox management. Paradox Research Education Practice (PREP) Conference 2023, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Calleja, J.; Romeo, M.; Hernandez-Valle, K. (2023). Intellectual disability and university studies: An example of inclusive education, 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), Palma, Spain.
  • Calleja, J.; Ojea, J.; Vinyals, E.; Bisbal, J.; Romeo, M.; Hernandez-Valle, K. (2023). Emprendimiento Sostenible. Un caso de emprendimiento inclusivo. V Congreso Nacional de Emprendimiento, Empleo y Discapacidad. Valencia, Spain.
  • Calleja-Blanco, J.; Núñez-Carballosa, A. (2023). Behind the Numbers: a Data-Driven Look at Academic Procrastination and Performance. 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN). Palma, Spain.
  • Calleja-Blanco, J.; Hernández-Vivanco, A.; Bernardo, M. (2023). Management Systems Internalization as a Driver for Eco-Product Innovation. XXXII ACEDE International Conference, Alicante, España. *Best paper of the section award
  • Carmona-Lavado, A., Cabello-Medina, C., Vlaisavljevic, V., Fuentes-Blasco, M. (2023). How design elements of accelerator programs influence radical business model innovation in start-ups? XXXII ACEDE International Conference, Alicante, Spain.
  • Chang, X.; Shijaku, E.; Achcaoucaou, F. (2023). Network-based Subsidiary autonomy: An integrative review and research agenda. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2023, Boston, USA.
  • Chang, X.; Shijaku, E.; Achcaoucaou, F. (2023). Network-based Subsidiary Autonomy: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda. 32nd International Conference ACEDE 2023. Alicante, Spain.
  • Corts, I.; Elgoibar, P.; Di Marco, D.; Medina, F.J. (2023). Looking for the i-deal climate: scale development and validation. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference. Katowice, Poland.
  • Elgoibar, P.; Corts, I. (2023). How can i-deals facilitate work in a BANI environment? Individual, group and organizational contributions. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference. Katowice, Poland.
  • Escalante, R.; Canals, A.; Bernardo, M. (2023). Multi-level social relationships among Michelin-starred chefs. NetSci 2023 (International School and Conference on Network Science). Viena, Austria.
  • Espinoza Solis, E.; Elgoibar, P. (2023). Has Leadership Styles A Direct Relation with Conflict Management? An Empirical Study of SMES’ Managers in Ecuador. International Conference on Management, Economics & Social Science. Praga, Czech Republic.
  • Guitart Tarrés, L.; Núñez-Carballosa, A.; Jaría Chacón, N.; Achcaoucaou, F.; Miravitlles, P.; Cruz-Cázares, C. (2023). ODS i els futurs directors d’operacions. XII Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), Lleida, Spain.
  • Hernandez-Valle, K.; Hormiga, E. (2023). Personal values in entrepreneurship research: A systematic review of the literature and research agenda, XXXII Congreso ACEDE. Alicante, Spain.
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, A.; Hernandez del Valle, K.; Arroyo, L.; Miranda, L.; Ruiz Navarro, J. (2023). Social identity as a promotor of firm performance: how important is entrepreneurs’ well-being? R&D Management Conference 2023. Sevilla, Spain.
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, A.; Vlaisavljevic, V.; Cruz-Cázares, C. (2023). Regulations, Standardization and IP management in Sustainable Open Innovation, R&D Management Conference 2023. Sevilla, Spain.
  • Linsen, M.L.; Achcaoucaou, F. (2023). Multinational Corporations and COVID-19: Compiling lessons from the pandemic crisis. 32nd International Conference ACEDE 2023. Alicante, Spain.
  • Meglio, O.; King, D.R.; Shijaku, E. (2023). Addressing information asymmetry in acquisitions: the role of social ties, European Academy of Management (EURAM), Ireland.
  • Moralles, H.; Achcaoucaou, F.; Miravitlles, P. (2023). Gender diversity in R&D teams and environmental innovation types: The role of home-ecological institutions in foreign MNC subsidiaries. 32nd International Conference DRUID 2023. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Moralles, H.; Achcaoucaou, F.; Miravitlles, P. (2023). Gender diversity in R&D teams and environmental process and product innovation: The effects of home-ecological institutions on foreign MNC subsidiaries. XVIII Iberian International Business conference. Granada, Spain.
  • Saka, T.; Hormiga, E.; Valls-Pasola, J. (2023). Coworking Spaces’ Digital response to pandemic challenges: Not all sharing economy components born-digital. V Congress of the International Doctoral School of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC). Madrid, Spain.
  • Sanchez, I.; Elgoibar, P.; Cruz, C. (2023). Negotiating idiosyncratic deals to access, motivate and retain STEM value-added employees from start-ups. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference. Katowice, Poland.
  • Sánchez Turón, .; Elgoibar, P.; Cruz Cázares, C. (2023). Idiosyncratic deals, entrepreneurial orientation and start-ups innovation outputs: the moderating role of employees’ wellbeing, 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Congress. Katowice, Poland.
  • Shleha, W.; Vaillant, Y.; Calleja-Blanco, J. (2023). Exploring Profitability in International Distribution Channels of Servitized Companies: An Empirical Investigation. 10th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2023). Barcelona, Spain.
  • Vlaisavljevic, V.; Cabello-Medina, C. (2023). How scientific activities of Spanish biotech SMEs impact their technological innovation? VIII International Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research GEM-ACEDE: “Research driven Entrepreneurship”. Málaga, Spain.
  • Vlaisavljevic, V.; Cabello-Medina, C. (2023). Scientific Activities of Spanish Biotech SMEs: How Make & Borrow Knowledge Decisions Affect Technological Innovation? R&D Management Conference 2023. Sevilla, Spain.
  • Achcaoucaou, F.; Núñez-Carballosa, A.; Miravitlles, P.; Guitart-Tarrés, L. (2022). Students’ soft competencies in times of COVID-19. 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2022). Spain.
  • Achcaoucaou, F.; Miravitlles, P. (2022). Dual network embeddedness and subsidiaries R&D role evolution: Decoding a spiralling relationship. XXXI Congreso Internacional de ACEDE 2022. Barcelona, Spain. *Best paper of the section award
  • Armstrong, R. (2022). Aspirational talk or hypocrisy? A case of espousing dialectical values to facilitate organizational change. 26th Biennial Nordic Academy of Management Conference. Örebro, Sweden.
  • Armstrong, R. (2022). Rethinking Behavior in Organizations: Reflections on Disruption and Change. 26th Biennial Nordic Academy of Management Conference. Örebro, Sweden.
  • Armstrong, R.; Witterholt, S. (2022). Educating on paradox: What could Dialectical Behavior Therapy have to teach? Inaugural Conference Paradox Research Education and Practice. USA.
  • Arroyo, L.; Hormiga, E. (2022). The emerging identities of digital entrepreneurship: An ideology-based typology, RENT 2022-36th Conference on Research in Entrepreneurship: Re-thinking entrepreneurship after the crisis, Naples, Italy.
  • Carmona-Lavado, A.; Cabello-Medina, C.; Vlaisavljevic, V.; Fuentes, M. (2022). Radical business model innovation in start-ups: the role of accelerator programs. R&D Management Conference. Italy.
  • Elgoibar, P.; Garcia, A.; Munduate, L.; Medina, F.J.; Euwema, M. (2022). Healthcare workers in COVID times: Heroes suffering from a dark side. ILERA European Congress. Spain.
  • Grabowska, M.; Vlaisavljevic, V.; Lecocq, C.; Debackere, K.; Van Looy, B. (2022). Persistence and academic entrepreneurship, rather than relying on anchor tenants? Antecedents of growth in (global) biotech regions (1978 – 2015). I International Workshop: Creatividad, Innovación y emprendimiento en tiempos post crisis. Spain.
  • Hernández Del Valle, K.P.; Hormiga Pérez, E. (2022). Is your business a reflection of your beliefs? Entrepreneur’s personal values influence on their organization’s climate orientation and business success. XXI Congreso de ACEDE 2022: ‘Innovación y emprendimiento en un entorno global y digital: nuevos retos ante la crisis climática y la post-pandemia’. Spain. * Best paper of the section award finalist
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, A; Bernardo, M. (2022). Multiple Management Systems implementation as a driver of Eco-Product Innovation. XXXI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Científica de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa (ACEDE). Spain.
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, A.; Bernardo, M. (2022). Multiple Management Systems in pursue of Eco-Product Innovation: The role of slack resources. 5th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management (ICQEM). Portugal.
  • Miravitlles, P.; Achcaoucaou, F. (2022). An Effectual-causal view of Managerial Decisions in Multinational Foreign Subsidiaries. Development Workshop of the Academy of Management Review (AMR). Spain.
  • Preaux, J.; Casadesús, M.; Bernardo, M. (2022). Protocol for refinement and validation of a conceptual model of service quality for Direct-to-Consumer telemedicine consultation. 5th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management (ICQEM). Portugal.
  • Roca, A.; Miravitlles, P.; Achcaoucaou, F. (2022). Foreign subsidiaries knowledge sourcing: Green innovation versus conventional innovation. XXXI Congreso Internacional ACEDE 2022. Spain.
  • Ronalter, L.M.; Poltronieri, C.F.; Gerolamo, M.C.; Bernardo, M. (2022). Management System Standards for more Corporate Sustainability. 5th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management (ICQEM). Portugal.
  • Sanchez, I.; Elgoibar, P.; Cruz, C. (2022). Negotiating idiosyncratic deals to access STEM outstanding employees for life science start-ups. European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). England.
  • Sanchez, I.; Elgoibar, P.; Cruz, C. (2022). Negotiating idiosyncratic deals to access, motivate and retain STEM outstanding employees. ILERA European Congress. Spain.
  • Shijaku, E; Elgoibar, P. (2022). Entrepreneurship in LGBTQ+ communities: exploring the multilevel role of embeddedness. EURAM – European Academy of Management. Switzerland.
  • Shleha, W.; Vaillant, Y.; Calleja-Blanco, J. (2022). Impact of Advanced Servitized Products on the Longitudinal Performance of Sales in International Markets: The Moderating Role of Distribution Channels. 31st ACEDE International Conference. Spain.
  • Vlaisavljevic, V.; Grabowska, M.; Van Looy, B. (2022). Opting for the long view, rather than counting on anchor tenants? A global assessment of enablers of growth in biotech regions (1978 – 2015). XXX ACEDE Annual Conference. Spain.
  • Achaoucaou, F.; Miravitlles, P. (2021). Dual embeddedness as a determinant of competence-creating subsdiaries: a dynamic reinforcing spiral. 47th European International Business Academy (EIBA Annual conference). Spain.
  • Alvarado, C.; Elgoibar, P.; Armadans, I. (2021). Conflict Management in Family Firms. European Continuous Conference in Collaborative Conflict (E4C). Spain.
  • Armstrong, R. (2021). Confronting contradictions in performance measurement and management with a dialectical framework. 12th Conference of the Performance Management Association. UK.
  • Armstrong, R. (2021). Layers of conflict: Addressing challenges for conflict management in family firms through two grounded dialectical approaches. European Continuous Conference on Collaborative Conflict, Conflict in Family Firms. Spain.
  • Armstrong, R. (2021). Operationalizing Dialectical Critical Realism to address organizational dysfunction. International Association for Critical Realism Conference – IACR 2021. South Africa.
  • Armstrong, R.; Shijaku, E. (2021). Organizational Sleep: A cybernetic perspective on sleep management. European Academy of Management Conference. Canada.
  • Garcia, A.B; Elgoibar, P.; Medina, F.J.; Munduate, L.; Euwema, M. (2021). Surviving as health workers in (post) COVID times: The essential need for constructive social dialogue. International. USA.
  • Martínez-García, I.; Bernardo, M.; Martín-Fernandez-de-Leceta, J. (2021). Do women on boards impact on CSR reporting? The moderating role of institutional context. EURAM 2021 Online. Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world. Canada.
  • Shijaku, E.; King, D.R. (2021). Building bridges: A Network-based Merger and Acquisition Research Agenda. 2021 Academy of Management – Annual Meeting. USA.
  • Shijaku, E.; King, D.R. (2021). Networks and M&A: Insights and Recommendations from a Systematic Review. 2021 European Academy of Management. European Union.
  • Shijaku, E.; Armstrong, R. (2021). Don’t sleep on it: new perspectives and insights on organizational sleep. 2021 Academy of Management – Annual Meeting. USA.
  • Arroyo, Lizbeth; Discua, Allan.; Hormiga, Esther. (2020). Understanding the moral Space of Digital Entrepreneurship: The Where, The Who and The How of Digital Legitimation. Strategic Management Society (SMS) 40th Annual Conference Virtual “Strategy in a Disruptive World”. UK.
  • Arroyo, Lizbeth; Hormiga, Esther. (2020). Entrepreneurial Narratives and Espoused Values: The Structure of the Digital Entrepreneurial Identity across Europe. BAM 2020 Conference in The Cloud “Innovating for a Sustainable Future”. UK.
  • Del Sarto, Nicole; Cruz Cazares, Claudio; Di Minin, Alberto. (2020). Startup accelerators as an open environment: The impact on startups’ innovative performance. R&D Management Symposium. Canada.
  • Shijaku, Elio; Ritala, Paavo (2020). Antecedents of Coopetition Network Dynamics Performance Feedback and Network Embeddedness. 2020 Academy of Management – Annual Meeting. USA.
  • Araya Castillo, Luis Andrés; Bernardo, Mercè. (2019). Construcción de la escala DIHEQS: calidad de servicio en educación superior a distancia. XXXV Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas y Facultades de Administración. Desafíos bajo los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y las nuevas formas de entender el Management (ENEFA) 2019. Chile.
  • Araya Castillo, Luis Andrés; Bernardo, Mercè. (2019). Construcción de la escala SATSIB: satisfacción e intención de comportamiento en educación superior a distancia. XXXV Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas y Facultades de Administración. Desafíos bajo los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y las nuevas formas de entender el Management (ENEFA) 2019. Chile
  • Barahona-Marquez, Felix; Miravitlles, Paloma.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza. (2019). Analysis of emerging market multinationals’ subsidiaries in developed host countries: An institutional theory approach. Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Castellón-Orozco, Helen.; Jaría-Chacón, Natalia.; Guitart-Tarrés, Laura. (2019). La adopción de la estrategia de servitización en las empresas manufactureras españolas: un análisis espacial por comunidades autónomas. X Congreso Internacional de RIDIT (Red de Investigación y Docencia en Innovación Tecnológica) – Ecosistemas de innovación y emprendimiento. Una visión internacional. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Espinoza Solis, Eduardo.; Elgoibar, Patricia. (2019). Patrones de liderazgo en los administradores ecuatorianos: Impacto del género y la educación. GLOBAL C ONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND FINANCE. San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • Espinoza Solis, Eduardo.; Elgoibar, Patricia. (2019). Trust and leadership styles in Ecuador: divergent perspective by managers and subordinates. 6th International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR). Indonesia.
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, Alfonso.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2019). Relating Integration of Management Systems and Corporate Strategy. 63rd European Congress of Quality ‘Rediscovering Quality””. Portugal.
  • Ronalter, Louis.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2019). Integrated Management Systems and Sustainability: A Framework Proposal. 63rd European Congress of Quality ‘Rediscovering Quality”. Portugal.
  • Shijaku, Elio ; David R. King (2019). Alliances or Acquisitions: Conservation of Organizational Momentum?. EURAM 2019, European Academy of Management 2020. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Shijaku, Elio ; Nathalie Marcela Ceron Hurtado (2019). Performance feedback in academic journals: exploring the relationship between Journal Impact Factor and Manuscript Rejection Rates. DRUID19 . Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Shijaku, Elio ; Nathalie Marcela Ceron Hurtado (2019). Performance feedback in academic journals: exploring the relationship between Journal Impact Factor and Manuscript Rejection Rates. 2019 Academy of Management – Annual Meeting. Boston, USA.
  • Shijaku, Elio; Nathalie Marcela Ceron Hurtado (2019). Performance feedback in academic journals: exploring the relationship between Journal Impact Factor and Manuscript Rejection Rates. EURAM 2019, European Academy of Management 2020. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Shijaku, Elio.; King, David.; Urtasun, Ainhoa. (2019). Alliances and Acquisitions: Diverging Firm Capabilities?. Mergers and acquisitions Conference 2019. Londres, UK.
  • Aparicio-Chueca, Patricia.; Triado-Ivern, Xavier.; Guardia-Olmos, Joan.; Elasri-Ejjaberi, Amal.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Presas, Pilar.; Maestro-Yarza, Irene.; Turull Rubinat, Max.; Roca Acedo, Berta. (2018). Reflexiones acerca del absentismo universitario en las aulas. ¿Un mismo patrón de conducta para diversos grados?. X Congreso internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI) 2018. Girona, Spain.
  • Aparicio-Chueca, Patricia.; Triado-Ivern, Xavier.; Guardia-Olmos, Joan.; Elasri-Ejjaberi, Amal.; Maestro-Yarza, Irene.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Presas, Pilar.; Turull Rubinat, Max.; Roca Acedo, Berta. (2018). ¿Por qué creen los profesores que no asisten los estudiantes al aula? Análisis de la percepción del absentismo por parte del profesorado de la Universidad de Barcelona. X Congreso internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI) 2018. Girona, Spain.
  • Araya, Luis.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2018). Impacto de la satisfacción en la intención de comportamiento de los estudiantes: aplicación en la educación superior a distancia. ENEFA 2018. Chile.
  • Araya, Luis.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2018). Propuesta y Validación de una Escala para medir la Calidad del Servicio en Educación Superior a Distancia. ENEFA 2018. Chile.
  • Arroyo, Lizbeth.; Hormiga, Esther. (2018). An Analysis of Espoused Values from the Organizational Impression Management Perspective. RENT Conference. Toledo, Spain.
  • Barahona, Félix.; Miravitlles, Paloma.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza. (2018). Facing the Liability of Origin: EMNE Subsidiaries in Developed Countries. The 6th Copenhagen Conference on: ‘Emerging Multinationals’: Outward Investment from Emerging Economies. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Bernardo, Mercè.; Aparicio-Chueca, Patricia.; Elasri-Ejjaberi, Amal.; Triado-Ivern, Xavier .M.; Guàrdia-Olmos, Joan.; Presas, Pilar.; Maestro-Yarza, Irene.; Turull-Rubinat, Max.; Roca-Acedo, Berta. (2018). University absenteeism: Students’ and lecturers’ point of view. 3rd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management
  • Fernández Llano, César.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Kasperskaya, Yulia. (2018). Coaching and organizational Improvement: a Balanced Scorecard approach. 3rd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management (ICQEM18). Barcelona, Spain.
  • Granados, Cristian., Pareja-Eastaway, Montserrat.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2018). Creative Industries and its innovation processes.18th DRUID Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Granados, Cristian., Pareja-Eastaway, Montserrat.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2018). How do new technologies change managerial practice? Digital platforms and Innovation processes. 18th DRUID Academy Conference. Ordense, Denmark.
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, Alfonso.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Cruz-Cázares, Claudio. (2018). Integrating management systems in pursue of sustainability. 3rd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management – ICQEM18. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, Alfonso.; Sampaio, Paulo.; Domingues, Pedro.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Cruz-Cázares, Claudio. (2018). Assessing the financial effects of adopting multiple certifications. 3rd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management – ICQEM18. Barcelona, Spain. Premi al Millor Article d’un Estudiant de Doctorat.
  • Magomedova, Nina.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza., Miravitlles, Paloma. (2018). Transformation of a subsidiary into sprigboard: Antecedents and Outcomes. Strategic Management Society. Paris, France.
  • Shijaku Elio; Bolivar-Ramos, Maria Teresa (2018). Through thick and thin: performance aspirations and absorptive capacity in ambidextrous international alliances. European Academy of Management (EURAM). Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Triado-Ivern,Xavier.; Guardia-Olmos, Joan.; Presas, Pilar.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Aparicio-Chueca, Patricia.; Elasri-Ejjaberi, Amal.; Maestro-Yarza, Irene.; Turull, Max.; Roca, Berta. (2018). Students’ absenteeism in higher education: An exploratory qualitative study. EDULEARN18 (10th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies). Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Aparicio-Chueca, Patricia.; Triadó-Ivern, Xavier.; Maestro-Yarza, Irene.; Elasri-Ejjaberi, Amal.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Presas-Maynegre, Pilar.; Guàrdia- Olmos, Joan.; Turull-Rubinat, Max.; Roca-Acedo, Berta. (2017). Student absenteeism in higher education: the case of the faculty of economics and business at the Universitat de Barcelona. ICERI 2017. Sevilla, Spain.
  • Bernardo, Mercè. (2017). How to review a paper. How to publish in Emerald. Spain.
  • Casas, Agustí.; Subirà, Esther.; Presas, Pilar.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2017). An exploratory classification of the wineries in the DO Emporda. 10th Academy of Wine Business Research Conference. Sonoma, USA.
  • Castellón-Orozco, Helen; Jaría-Chacón, Natalia; Guitart-Tarrés, Laura (2017). The Evidence of servitization from Spanish manufacturing companies. 6th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2017). Barcelona, Spain.
  • Elgoibar, Patricia. (2017). Promoting Social Dialogue: Experiences and expectations from employers and employee representatives in Europe. World Organization of Workers conference. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Elgoibar, Patricia.; Besieux, Tijs.; Mccaffrey, Megan. (2017). Social Dialogue: Promoting Inclusion, Combating Discrimination – The Case At Bnp Paribas Fortis. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, EAWOP. Dublin, Ireland.
  • Elio Shijaku; Martin Larraza-Kintana; Ainhoa Urtasun-Alonso (2017). Organizational Aspirations, Dynamic Brokerage and Proximity in Dynamic Alliances. Academy of Management – Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Elio Shijaku; Martin Larraza-Kintana; Ainhoa Urtasun-Alonso. (2017). Explore or Exploit? Ambidextrous Strategic Alliances and Organizational Aspirations in Dynamic Networks. 10th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. New Orleans, USA.
  • Granados, Cristian.; Pareja, Montserrat.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2017). Innovation process in creative industries: insights from the mobile games sector. 18th International CINet Conference – Digitalization and Innovation: Designing the organization of the future. Germany.
  • Guitart-Tarrés, Laura.; Núñez-Carballosa, Ana María.; Jaría Chacón, Natalia.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza.; Cruz-Cázares, Claudio.; Miravitlles, Paloma.; Huertas García, Rubén. (2017). Playing in Operations Management. VIII Workshop in Operations Management and Technology- ACEDEDOT OMTech 2017. Spain.
  • Hernández del Valle, Karla Paola.; Hormiga, Esther. (2017). Do entrepreneur’s values affect their new ventures decisions? A reflection about entrepreneurship research. Congreso de ACEDE. Aranjuez, Spain.
  • Hernández del Valle, Karla Paola.; Hormiga, Esther. (2017). The role of entrepreneur’s values on new venture decisions: Review and research agenda. RENT XXXI- RESEARCH IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS. Lund, Sweden.
  • Maogmedova, Nina; Achcaoucaou, Fariza; Miravitlles, Paloma. (2017). Inter-regional internationalization: an inductive approach towrds the emergence of a springboard subsidiary. XXVII Congreso de ACEDE2017 Aranjuez. Madrid, Spain.
  • Núñez-Carballosa, Ana.; Guitart-Tarrés, Laura.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza.; Miravitlles, Paloma.; Jaría Chacón, Natalia.; Cruz-Cázares, Claudio.; Huertas Garcia, Rubén. (2017). Learning business administration by playing: gamification experience at University of Barcelona. 9th International conference on education and new learning technologies – EDULEARN 2017. Spain.
  • Aguilar Rosado, Natalia.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Tarí, Juan José. (2016). The experience on management systems certification as an enabler for social responsibility external assessment. 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management. Portugal.
  • Araya Castillo, Luis.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2016). Grupos estratégicos y dinámica competitiva de la educación superior en Chile. XXXII Encuentro Ncional de Facultades de Administración y Economía – ENEFA 2016. Chile.
  • Bernardo, Mercè.; Castán Farrero, José Maria.; Casadesús, Marc. (2016). The impact of management systems integration through the value chain. 1st International conference on Quality of Life (University of Kragujevac, Serbia). Serbia.
  • Cabecinhas, Mónica.; Domingues, Pedro.; Sampaio, Paulo.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Franceschini, Fiorenzo.; Galetto, Maurizio.; Gianni, Maria.; Gotzamani, Katerina.; Mastrogiacomo, Luca.; Hernandez-Vivanco, Alfonso. (2016). Integrated management systems diffusion in South European Countries. 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management. Portugal.
  • Campos-Sánchez, Alejandro.; Campos Sánchez, R.; Hormiga, Esther. (2016). Personal values as predictors of attitudes towards entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial intentions. X Encuentro de Especialistas de la Región Norte de Jalisco y Sur de Zacatecas. Mexico.
  • Castellón-Orozco, Helen; Jaría-Chacón, Natalia; Guitart-Tarrés, Laura. (2016). The implementation of servitization strategy by Spanish manufacturers. 5th International Conference on Business Servitization – ICBS 2016. Granada, Spain.
  • Elgoibar, Patricia. (2016). The trees of trust. International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) Conference. Milan, Italy.
  • Elgoibar, Patricia.; Euwema, Martin. (2016). Beyond Mediation – Building Blocks of Constructive Conflict Management. Conference: Beyond Mediation. Building Blocks of Constructive Conflict Management. Lovaina, Belgium.
  • Elgoibar, Patricia.; Euwema, Martin. (2016). Trust and conflict behavior by representatives in intergroup organizational negotiations. International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference. New York, USA.
  • Gaviria, Magaly; Cruz-Cázares, Claudio. (2016). Posicionamento Web de Organizaciones de Servicios de Información a Pymes. European Academy of Management and Business Economics. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
  • Guitart-Tarrés, Laura.; Nuñez-Carballosa, Ana Maria.; Jaría-Chacón, Natalia.; Cruz-Cázares, Claudio.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza.; Miravitlles, Paloma. (2016). Students competences in business administration subjects by teacher’s perspective. 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2016). València, Spain.
  • Hernandez-Vivanco, Alfonso.; Cruz-Cázares, Claudio.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2016). Quality Innovation, Innovation Quality and Integration of Management Systems for pursuing sustainability: An efficiency perspective. 19th QMOD conference International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences. Italy.
  • Hormiga, Esther. (2016). Estereotipos de género de la persona emprendedora y la intención de emprender. Jornadas ACOA-AKE jardunaldiak 2016. Spain.
  • Kaufman, Sanda.; Elgoibar, Patricia.; Borbely, Adrian. (2016). Context matters: negotiators’ interdependence in public, labor and business disputes. International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference. New York, USA.
  • Llonch, Marc.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2016). Simultaneous integration: a case study of an SME. 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management. Portugal.
  • Navas, Josep Lluís.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2016). The EFQM model and the integration of management systems as different methodologies to achieve stakeholders’ satisfaction. 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management. Portugal.
  • Pérez, Anna.; Hormiga, Esther. (2016). Emprendimiento y perspectiva feminista: la influencia de los estereotipos de género. XV Jornadas de Economía Crítica. Madrid, Spain.
  • Presas, Pilar.; Bernardo, Mercè.; Hernandez-Vivanco, Alfonso. (2016). Is the Biosphere certification increasing customers satisfaction in hotels? 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management. Porto, Portugal.
  • Shijaku, Elio.; Larraza-Kintana, Martin.; Urtasun-Alonso, Ainhoa. (2016). Beauty or beast: Organizational Aspirations and Dynamic Embeddedness in Strategic Transactions. European Academy of Management (EURAM). France.
  • Baier-Fuentes, Hugo.; Hormiga, Esther.; Amorós-Espinosa, Ernesto.; Urbano-Publido, David. (2015). Influencia del capital humano y relacional sobre la rápida internacionalización de las empresas: Estudio comparativo entre España y Chile. XXV Congreso Nacional de ACEDE. Jaen, Spain.
  • Barahona, Félix.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza.; Miravitlles, Paloma. (2015). The presence of EMNEs in Southern Europe: The case of Chinese Direct Investement in Spain. International Business in Southern Europe in a Long Term Perspective. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Bernardo, Mercè.; Castán, José Maria. (2015). Analysis of The Relationship between The Integration of Management Systems and The Creation Of Value. LISS’2015 help in Barcelona, Spain, with satellite sessions in Beijing, China. 5ª IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informations and Services Sciences. Barcelona, 27-29 July, 2015. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Elgoibar, Patricia.; Euwema, Martin. (2015). Building trust and constructive conflict management in industrial relations. International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference. Clearwater Beach, USA.
  • Euwema, Martin.; Elgoibar, Patricia. (2015). Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Employee Representatives’ Conflict Behavior in Europe: A Conglomerate Conflict Behavior approach. European Network of Organizational Psychologist (ENOP) conference. Paris, France.
  • Garcia, Ana Belén. ; Euwema, Martin.; Munduate, Lourdes.; Elgoibar, Patricia. ; Wendt, Hein. (2015). Competent or competitive? How do representatives gain impact in decision making. International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference. Clearwater Beach, USA.
  • Guitart-Tarrés, Laura.; Achcaoucaou-Iallouchen, Fariza.; Cruz-Cazares, Claudio.; Miravitlles-Matamoros, Paloma.; Núñez-Carballosa, Ana.; Jaría-Chacón, Natalia. (2015). PROFEST: Distancia entre el grado de cumplimiento de las competencias diseñadas por los profesores universitarios y la percepción de los estudiantes sobre estas competencias adquiridas en las asignaturas de Organización de Empresas. III Jornada de investigación en docencia universitaria. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Hurtado, Nelly.; Jaría, Natalia.; Valls-Pasola, Jaume. (2015). Innovation and experiential services: the role of multidisciplinary arts within creative gastronomy. 4th International Conference on Business Servitization – ICBS 2015. Madrid, Spain.
  • Jaría-Chacón, Natalia. (2015). El camino hasta…Plataformas de dispositivos móviles y servitización: hacia un modelo integrador-III. Seminari de Recerca en el marc d’UB Business. Barcelona, Spain.
  • León-Darder, Fidel.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza.; Brenes, Grettel. (2015). Culture and Managers’ Response to Foreign Subsidiary Initiatives’ Resistance. SIETAR Europa Congress 2015. Valencia, Spain.
  • León-Darder, Fidel.; Achcaoucaou, Fariza.; Brenes, Grettel. (2015). Personal values and managers’ response to foreign subsidiary initiatives’ resistance. European International Business Academy (EIBA). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Pender, Erica.; Elgoibar, Patricia.; Munduate, Lourdes.; Euwema, Martin. (2015). Trustworthiness, trust and influence in organizational decision making processes. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference. Oslo, Norway.
  • Simon, Alexandra.; Bernardo, Mercè. (2015). Exploring the Impact of Integrated Management Systems Audits on Business Performance. 9th International Quality Conference (University of Kragujevac, Serbia). Serbia.