
Literacy, Mobility and Collaborative Writing on the 7 Train


20-04-2023 a 20-04-2023

Dear all

You are warmly invited to the next webinar of the inaugural series of webinars of the Linguistic Justice Society (LJS):

Thursday 30 May 2023, 10am (EDT)/4pm (CEST)/12am (AEST): 

Brice Nordquist (Syracuse University), “Literacy, Mobility and Collaborative Writing on the 7 Train” 

Abstract. Drawing on a series of mobile observations and interviews conducted with recent immigrants on their daily subway commutes from Queens, NY to an international public high school in Manhattan, this presentation reveals how students use their smartphones and time in transit to complete most of their reading and writing for school, collaborate on school work across languages and modes, and maintain and expand transnational social networks. Reading students’ mobile literacies against the backdrop of pedagogies of containment (Giroux, 2010) that characterize their experiences in school, I investigate the effects of material and embodied mobilities on literacy practices and demonstrate how scales of education (Nespor, 2004) are constituted, in part, by traversals across the city and internet. 

Short Bio: Brice Nordquist is an Associate Professor and Dean’s Professor of Community Engagement at Syracuse University. He is a community-engaged writing and literacy researcher and teacher, working through ethnographic and participatory research and public arts and humanities projects to study and support students’ movements across contexts of learning and stages of education.   

To receive the weblink for the talk, please fill out this form (if possible, using your institutional academic email address):  

To catch up on previous talks in the series, please visit the LJS YouTube channel:  

For more details about, and to subscribe to, the LJS, please visit: 


The LJS Webinar convenors: Filippo Contesi (Universitat de Barcelona), Seunghyun Song (Tilburg University), Yael Peled (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity), Çağla Çimendereli (Syracuse University), Sergi Morales-Gálvez (University of Limerick) & Elisa Duder 
