The Department

The Department of Geography of the University of Barcelona was created in 1966 and was the first department of geography at the Catalan university. The deployment of the University Reform Act (LRU, 1984) made possible its transformation into two departments: the Department of Physical Geography and Regional Geographic Analysis and the Department of Human Geography. These two departments have operated from 1986 to 2016; and it is in this last year when, in the frame of the process of reform of academic structures and of administrative organization of the University of Barcelona, ​​has created the new department fruit of the fusion of the two previous departments, devoted to the teaching , the research and dissemination of Geography.

The current Department of Geography of the University of Barcelona is attached to the Faculty of Geography and History and consists of three areas of knowledge: Regional Geographic Analysis, Physical Geography and Human Geography. The Department of Geography is structured into three academic sections, which in each case group the respective members of each of the three areas of knowledge. In the 2017-2018 academic year, the Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) of the Department of Geography is made up of 51 people.
