Seminaris de Recerca
Bruno Caprettini (St. Gallen University and CEPR), amb Hans- Joachim Voth (University of Zurich and CEPR) i Alex Trew (University of Glasglow)
Agenda | 16-10-2024 -
Colonització feudal, frontera i desigualtat a la perifèria mediterrània: Mallorca (1232-1315)
Sergi Lozano (Universitat de Barcelona)
Agenda | 16-10-2024 -
Stephanie Ettmeier (University of Bonn) amb Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Moritz Schularick (Kiel Institute and CEPR) i Lucas ter Steege (ECB)
Seminaris | 30-10-2024 -
Who governed colonial Africa? Taxation and representation in the British Empire
Leigh Gardner (LSE)
Seminaris | 06-11-2024 -
IMHOS 86 — Income Shocks, Strategic Default and Financial Stability: Evidence from the 1920's
Kilian Rieder (Austrian National Bank and CEPR)
Seminaris | 13-11-2024 -
The emergence and codification of technological knowledge
Sergio Petralia (Utrecht University)
Seminaris | 20-11-2024 -
IMHOS 87 — The Spatial Transmission of U.S Banking Panics: Evidence from 1870-1929
Seung Joo Lee (University of Oxford)
Seminaris | 27-11-2024 -
As Gods Among Men. A History of the Rich in the West
Guido Alfani (Bocconi University)
Seminaris | 27-11-2024 -
IMHOS 88 — The Young Fed: The Banking Crises of the 1920s and the Making of a Lender of Last Resort
Mark A. Carlson (Federal Reserve Board)
Seminaris | 11-12-2024 -
Waves of change? Radio announcements and fertility decline
Juliana Jaramillo (Banco Central de Colombia)
Seminaris | 11-12-2024
Waves of change? Radio announcements and fertility decline
Juliana Jaramillo (Banco Central de Colombia)
Seminaris | 11-12-2024 -
IMHOS 88 — The Young Fed: The Banking Crises of the 1920s and the Making of a Lender of Last Resort
Mark A. Carlson (Federal Reserve Board)
Seminaris | 11-12-2024 -
As Gods Among Men. A History of the Rich in the West
Guido Alfani (Bocconi University)
Seminaris | 27-11-2024 -
IMHOS 87 — The Spatial Transmission of U.S Banking Panics: Evidence from 1870-1929
Seung Joo Lee (University of Oxford)
Seminaris | 27-11-2024 -
The emergence and codification of technological knowledge
Sergio Petralia (Utrecht University)
Seminaris | 20-11-2024 -
IMHOS 86 — Income Shocks, Strategic Default and Financial Stability: Evidence from the 1920's
Kilian Rieder (Austrian National Bank and CEPR)
Seminaris | 13-11-2024 -
Who governed colonial Africa? Taxation and representation in the British Empire
Leigh Gardner (LSE)
Seminaris | 06-11-2024 -
Stephanie Ettmeier (University of Bonn) amb Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW Berlin), Moritz Schularick (Kiel Institute and CEPR) i Lucas ter Steege (ECB)
Seminaris | 30-10-2024 -
Colonització feudal, frontera i desigualtat a la perifèria mediterrània: Mallorca (1232-1315)
Sergi Lozano (Universitat de Barcelona)
Agenda | 16-10-2024 -
Bruno Caprettini (St. Gallen University and CEPR), amb Hans- Joachim Voth (University of Zurich and CEPR) i Alex Trew (University of Glasglow)
Agenda | 16-10-2024