Col·loquis FMC: Prof. Ivan K. Schuller
Ens plau informar-vos que hem organitzat el pròxim col·loqui del Departament que es titula "Neuromorphic computing" i l'impartirà el Prof. Ivan K. Schuller, el director del Center for Advanced Nanoscience (CAN) a la Universitat de Califòrnia- San Diego. El col·loqui tindrà lloc el dilluns 12 de desembre a les 14h a l'Aula Magna Enric Casassas.






Aula Magna Enric Casassas

Neuromorphic computing

Prof. Ivan K. Schuller

Director del Center for Advanced Nanoscience (CAN) a la Universitat de Califòrnia- San Diego.

Data acquisition (sensors) and manipulation (memory, computation, communications, data mining) in its many forms drives and fuels our civilization. Scientific and technological developments in the last 50 years, have led to the invention of highly sophisticated data acquisition and manipulation machines. Since biological systems can, in many cases, outperform artificial systems a natural question arises. Can biology provide, some high level, guiding principles useful for the development of revolutionary, new concepts for the development of artificial, intelligent systems?
I will describe attempts to answer the US White House Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge for Future Technology: “Create a new type of computer that can proactively interpret and learn from data, solve unfamiliar problems using what it has learned, and operate with the energy efficiency of the human brain”.


Biography- Prof. Ivan K. Schuller, the director of the Center for Advanced Nanoscience (CAN) at the University of California-San Diego, is a Solid State Physicist. He is winner of major awards such as the Lawrence Award from the US Department of Energy, and several awards from the American Physical Society, the Materials Research Society and the International Union of Materials Research Societies. He has also won several EMMY and other television awards for his science related movies. Prof. Schuller received his Licenciado from the University of Chile, PhD from Northwestern University and an Honoris Causa Doctorate from the Spanish Universidad Complutense the largest European University. He is a member of the Latin American, Chilean, Spanish, Belgian and Colombian Academies of Science. His more than 600 papers and 20 patents have been dedicated to many aspects of solid state and materials physics in Nano and Meso science with possible applications to Neuromorphic Computing and Sensors. His extensive artistic activities have spanned the award winning production and writing of plays, movies, YouTube videos and acting in a variety of venues. He was recently elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
