Wildlife Photography course: specialized techniques (registration until May 10)

Wildlife Photography course: specialized techniques (registration until May 10)
10/04/22 - 24/05/22 | 15:07

What are photo tricks? Which are the top techniques to follow animals in the wild? How can we use camouflage? The landscape, macrophotography, pohotography of wildlife and night photography are the main topics in the new edition of this course to expand your knowledge on wildlife photography techniques.

The program —validable for 2 ECTS credits — includes theoretical sessions and day trips to the Natural Park of Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, cabo Ras and sierra de la Albera. The naturalist photographer Francesc Muntada will teach this course, aimed at anyone interested in wildlife photography with knowledge of the basic concepts of photography. Registrations can be done online on the website of the Animal Biodiversity Resource Center of the UB.



Further information

Animal Biodiversity Resource Center (CRBA)
Organized by:
Animal Biodiversity Resource Center (CRBA)