Towards the Curricul@Integral of the UB

The Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Scientific Policy of the UB promotes the project Curricul@Integral.
The Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Scientific Policy of the UB promotes the project Curricul@Integral.

The project Curricul@Integral, which the Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Scientific Policy of the UB promotes, enables the tools and the processes to incorporate all the activity that the University carries out related to the management and assessment systems, as well as the accreditation and the obtaining of indicators that external bodies request. The initiative is aimed at the UB personnel and at the governing bodies and institutional management units.

The Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Scientific Policy of the UB promotes the project Curricul@Integral.
The Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Scientific Policy of the UB promotes the project Curricul@Integral.

The project Curricul@Integral, which the Office of the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Scientific Policy of the UB promotes, enables the tools and the processes to incorporate all the activity that the University carries out related to the management and assessment systems, as well as the accreditation and the obtaining of indicators that external bodies request. The initiative is aimed at the UB personnel and at the governing bodies and institutional management units.

Throughout the years, the Currícul@GREC has become a basic tool for researchers and has been one of the main data sources and indicators for the institutional management and assessment, primarily in relation to the research and technological transfer. However, the university academic activity does not only consist in these key missions. In order to respond to the demand by a large sector of the university community and to the institutional management needs, and in accordance with the guidelines received by the governing bodies, the ambitious organizational strategic project, known generically as Curricul@Integral, has been developing for about a year.
The project includes a series of actions that cover many areas, and which comply with the main guidelines of using the existing resources with a constant analysis of the institutional effort-benefit balance, as well as avoiding as much as possible the teaching and research staff management burden.
Among these actions we must highlight that, from February 2012 on, the users of Curricul@ have specific sections related to the teaching and educational activity, where the sections have been re-organized and the information available at GR@D has been incorporated; additionally this kind of activities which do not appear in other institutional data bases may be included. The application allows, for some months now, distinguishing the aim of each curricular item, whether they are teaching, management or dissemination items, among others.  
Recently the possibility of requesting the validation of the participation in researching activities managed by external institutions has been incorporated, an essential process so that this UB-external activity may be taken into account in the research and academic dedication plan. Processes in order to validate technological transfer results have also been initiated.
Among other validation processes, the set in motion of a system is planned in order to nourish the institutional archive of the publications of the UB, an important initiative to develop the mandate in the field of the policies to enable the open access to the UB.
The initiatives that are in the development process or that must be developed in the nearer future are many and varied. For example, for quite a while data regarding the linguistic knowledge of the UB personnel is collected from the curricular data to complement the records from other sources of information. To do so, an adjustment of the levels as well as a system that allows its technical accreditation is envisaged.