The rectors of the UB, UAB and the UPC demand a proper funding system so as to not jeopardize the future of the country

From left to right, Margarita Arboix, Joan Elias and Enric Fossas.
From left to right, Margarita Arboix, Joan Elias and Enric Fossas.

This morning, the Rector of the University of Barcelona, Joan Elias, the Rector of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Margarita Arboix, and the Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona; Enric Fossas, have denounced the underfunding of the Catalan university system, which affects these three institutions.

From left to right, Margarita Arboix, Joan Elias and Enric Fossas.
From left to right, Margarita Arboix, Joan Elias and Enric Fossas.

This morning, the Rector of the University of Barcelona, Joan Elias, the Rector of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Margarita Arboix, and the Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona; Enric Fossas, have denounced the underfunding of the Catalan university system, which affects these three institutions.

In a media appearance, Rector Elias said the financial model for public universities has reached a very bad situation, which is causing the system to be “fading” and thus living out of the results from generations that raised it. With such a financial model and without improvements in budgets, “Catalan universities will stop holding positions of excellence on the rankings”. “Being listed in high positions is a miracle, and a miracle cannot be maintained”, affirmed the rector. Fossas claimed that the current public funding these three universities receive does not even cover the first chapter of university staff. Therefore, it is necessary to have funding that guarantees this and enables proper infrastructures.

Elias compared data from the University of Barcelona to the ones of a European center such as the University of Copenhagen, member of the League of European Research Universities as well: “They have 40.000 students and a 1.200 million euro budget; the UB has more than 60.000 students and its budget does not reach the 400 million”.

The rectors affirmed that over the last years the public revenue has lowered by 25%. Fossas demanded that, in the short run, the funding of the public Catalan university systems should reach the 1.000 million euros.

Ageing of employees

Rector Arboix, apart from commenting on the issue of funding, also commented on the age of the personnel being another problem affecting the universities. “There are many lost positions and this means losing talent”, said Arboix, who used her center as an example, since there is a 36% of the staff aged over 55. In the UB, the average age of the lecturers is around 59. Elias said this process of generational succession has to be done little by little.

Arboix said that investing in the university is investing in the future and also said that some countries under a complicated economic situation raised the university budgets, unlike Catalonia.