UB researchers take part in the European Researchers' Night

European Researchers’ Night
European Researchers’ Night

Next September 28, Europe will celebrate the European Researchersʼ Night, which aims to bring science and innovation closer to citizens. Under the motto “Research, everyoneʼs heritage”, Catalonia prepared a dissemination activity program in which many lecturers and researchers of the University of Barcelona will take part.

European Researchers’ Night
European Researchers’ Night

Next September 28, Europe will celebrate the European Researchersʼ Night, which aims to bring science and innovation closer to citizens. Under the motto “Research, everyoneʼs heritage”, Catalonia prepared a dissemination activity program in which many lecturers and researchers of the University of Barcelona will take part.

On Friday, September 28, in the morning, the research staff from several research centers, universities and companies from Catalonia will offer some talks in schools and institutes to disseminate scientific culture to all audiences. Several lecturers and researchers from the University of Barcelona, ISGlobal and IDIBAPS will give some of these conferences on research in different fields of knowledge.

At 7 p.m., CosmoCaixa has prepared “Young Research Night” with some talks and workshops organized by the academic and research staff such as astronomical observations, installation of the Night Wall Band Frankenstein and a music workshop with Reactable, a musical instrument which uses a lightning and translucent table as a tangible user interface inspired on the modelling synthesizers from the 60s.

Apart from these activities, during September 28 and 29, the European Researchersʼ Night has organized several free activities related to science, aimed at people from all ages in several places around Barcelona and other Catalan cities.

The opening ceremony for this event took place on September 25 in Centre Cívic Vil·la Urània, and offered the debate “Research on Heritage. Research on the past to understand the present and foresee the future”. The debate was given by Josep Maria Fullola, professor of Prehistory at the UB, and Sílvia Valenzuela, member of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), who talked on their research on heritage and its social implications. Afterwards, Crisal Rodríguez, from Con.Ciencia, will offered a performance inspired by the knowledge on the field of neurosciences and biomimetic.


The activity program is available here.