The University of Barcelona presents its new website


The University of Barcelona has a new website: a new updated and modern platform that opts for a simplified navigation and improves the userʼs experience. The change of the UB website aims to optimize the communication with internal audiences and mainly, attract external audiences, apart from strengthening the UB brand.

The new website, presented in the Senate on July 15 and which will be active after July 20, is inspired on the principles of usability, functionality and simplicity. It improves its visual aspect, the design and content access, and it is an important step towards the digital transformation of the UB. The new website is organized in three blocs: the main page, a main menu with four sections (Study, Research, Participate and The UB), and a secondary menu aimed at target audiences. It features a simplified navigation and offers other noticeable changes: more audiovisual presence, promoting multimedia resources (videos, podcasts and infographics), adaption to phone devices thanks to a responsive web design; awareness of the userʼs experience with analytical tools, and more visibility with the implementation of Google technology search engines. There will be many changes to renew the website gradually during the second half of the year 2020 and the first half of 2021.

In order to inform the audience about the novelties that take place regarding the renovation of the institutional website, the website has an informative site and an online form through which users can send their questions.

In order to work on the publication of the new website, the current main page will not be active during this weekend, July 18 to July 19. However, the corporate email system and the intranet for students, TRS and AdSS members will be active, as well as the Virtual Campus, Món UB, the directory, the Virtual Office, the websites of the faculties, departments and research groups, and other websites such as the Doctoral School's, CRAI's and the website of Publications and Editions of the UB.





The University of Barcelona has a new website: a new updated and modern platform that opts for a simplified navigation and improves the userʼs experience. The change of the UB website aims to optimize the communication with internal audiences and mainly, attract external audiences, apart from strengthening the UB brand.

The new website, presented in the Senate on July 15 and which will be active after July 20, is inspired on the principles of usability, functionality and simplicity. It improves its visual aspect, the design and content access, and it is an important step towards the digital transformation of the UB. The new website is organized in three blocs: the main page, a main menu with four sections (Study, Research, Participate and The UB), and a secondary menu aimed at target audiences. It features a simplified navigation and offers other noticeable changes: more audiovisual presence, promoting multimedia resources (videos, podcasts and infographics), adaption to phone devices thanks to a responsive web design; awareness of the userʼs experience with analytical tools, and more visibility with the implementation of Google technology search engines. There will be many changes to renew the website gradually during the second half of the year 2020 and the first half of 2021.

In order to inform the audience about the novelties that take place regarding the renovation of the institutional website, the website has an informative site and an online form through which users can send their questions.

In order to work on the publication of the new website, the current main page will not be active during this weekend, July 18 to July 19. However, the corporate email system and the intranet for students, TRS and AdSS members will be active, as well as the Virtual Campus, Món UB, the directory, the Virtual Office, the websites of the faculties, departments and research groups, and other websites such as the Doctoral School's, CRAI's and the website of Publications and Editions of the UB.




El web nou, que es va presentar al Claustre del 15 de juliol i que estarà actiu a partir del dia 20, està inspirat en els principis dʼusabilitat, funcionalitat i simplicitat. Millora lʼaspecte visual, el disseny i lʼaccessibilitat de continguts, i suposa un pas important en el procés de transformació digital de la UB. Aquest nou espai sʼorganitza en tres grans apartats: la pàgina principal, un menú principal que conté quatre seccions (Aprèn, Investiga, Col·labora i La UB), i un menú secundari dirigit a públics específics. Entre altres novetats, se simplifica la navegació i sʼhi incorporen altres canvis notables: més pes audiovisual, potenciant els recursos multimèdia (vídeos, podcasts i infografies); adaptació a dispositius mòbils gràcies al disseny web responsiu; coneixement de lʼexperiència de lʼusuari amb eines analítiques, i increment de la visibilitat per la implantació de motors de cerca amb tecnologia Google. Nʼhi haurà molts, de canvis, que renovaran el web totalment de manera gradual durant la segona meitat del 2020 i la primera meitat del 2021.

Amb la finalitat dʼinformar els seus públics objectius de les novetats que es produeixin en la renovació de lʼespai institucional, el nou web disposa també dʼuna pàgina explicativa i dʼun formulari mitjançant el qual els usuaris podran fer arribar els seus suggeriments.

Per preparar la publicació del web nou, la pàgina principal actual ha de quedar inactiva aquest cap de setmana, del 18 al 19 de juliol. Això no obstant, es mantindran del tot operatius el correu corporatiu i les intranets per a estudiants, PAS i PDI, com també el Campus Virtual, Món UB, el directori, la seu electrònica, els webs de facultats, departaments i grups de recerca, i tota la resta de webs, com ara la de lʼEscola de Doctorat, la del CRAI o la de Publicacions UB.