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Elena Laurenzi

Università del Salento
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici


PI's research project Live archive. The memory of the De Viti de Marco-Starace women as a resource for the territory

Elena Laurenzi is a professor at the University of Salento (Italy) and at the University of Barcelona where she forms part of the gender and philosophy seminar / ADHUC–Research center for Theory, Gender and Sexuality. Her research is developed around two lines of investigation: one dedicated to feminist theory, with particular attention to the discussion between feminism and multiculturalism, and the other dedicated to the thinkers of the 20th century. She has published essays about María Zambrano, Simone Weil, Iris Murdoch and Françiose Collin. She has edited with Á. Lorena Fauster the monografic number of the magazine Daimon “Contra  la aridez. La propuesta filosófica de Iris Murdoch” (2013) and with Marisa Forcina a double monograph in the magazine Segni e comprensione: “Reti filosofiche femminili. Ripensare la politica e la tradizione” (2015-2016). Among her publications  the monographs María Zambrano, Nacer por sí misma. Ensayos sobre Antígona, Eloisa, Diótima (1995), Sotto il segno dell’aurora. Studi su María Zambrano e Friedrich Nietzsche (2012) i Il paradosso della libertà. Una lettura politica di María Zambrano (2017) stand out. She has edited and translated to italian various works by Zambrano, among them, De la aurora, Las palabras del regreso, the critical bilingual edition of the previously unpublished Dante espejo humano and the epistolary with Elena Croce A presto, dunque, e a sempre (2015, winner of the Victoria Aganoor Pompilij prize).

Text reported by the researcher

ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat: investigadora / researcher (16/06/2016 -)

Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora / researcher (01/01/2012 - )

Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, Universitat de Barcelona: investigadora / researcher