Calendari propers esdeveniments

  • 10/05/2024
    RUE Seminar: Brand awareness in the Spanish higher education market: evidence from online searches
    Javier Abellán - Aula 1037
    Llegir més
  • 17/05/2024
    RUE Seminar: Bright and green? A global view on density and the trade-off between economic activity and green spaces for over 1000 cities
    Konstantin Reisner - Aula 1037
    Llegir més
  • 30/05/2024
    Lunch SEMINAR: Mode of delivery and long-term child outcomes: Evidence from the United Kingdom
    Angelica Guzzon - Aula 1031
    Llegir més
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Notícies destacades

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  • The complex link between socioeconomic deprivation and COVID-19. Evidence from small areas of Catalonia. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 49, 100648
    Llegir més
  • A synergistic analysis of solar and wind energy deployment in Europe. Environmental Development, 49, 100967
    Llegir més
  • Inequality and redistribution: Evidence from Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries. Applied Economic Analysis, 32(94), 1-22
    Llegir més
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Documents de Treball

  • Do voice and social information contribute to changing views about rent control policy?
    Llegir més
  • Emissions and Allowances in the EU Emissions Trading System after the Paris Agreement
    Llegir més
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