
Welcome to the website of CAEPS, where you will find information related to our research, publications, seminars and workshops. CAEPS is the abreviation of the Center for Economic Analysis and Social Policy, a Consolidated Research Group by the Generalitat de Catalunya since 2005.
In 2006 the group joined the Reference Network in Economics and Public Policy (XREPP), an initiative of the Generalitat de Catalunya to integrate major high-level university research centers on Economics of Public Policy in Catalonia. Its aim is to create sinergy and make a firm commitment to international research, and to promote the participation of researchers in group projects at European level.
The researchers of the group mainly come from the Department of Economics, Section of Economic Theory at the University of Barcelona, but visiting researchers and postdoctoral fellows are also involved, promoting the incorporation of researchers from prestigious universities worldwide.

In the field of knowledge transfer, CAEPS makes advisories studies for public and private institutions.

I invite you to visit this new site of the group hoping that you like it.
Elisenda Paluzie

Coordinator of CAEPS
