Social Conflict and Social Change

Social Conflict and Social Change

Two main axes are being currently developed within this line of research: one about cosmopolitanism and translation, supervised by Esperanza Bielsa, and the other on social change and social conflict, led by Trinidad Bretones.

Esperança Bielsa’s research aims to reveal the central importance of translation for an understanding of contemporary cosmopolitanism, focusing on the development of theoretical and methodological issues as well as on empirical research on the translation of literature, social theory and news. This is the theme of her most recent book, entitled Cosmopolitanism and Translation: Investigations into the Experience of the Foreign (Routledge 2016). Recent work also focuses on the conception of a politics of translation as an alternative to a politics of identity and on the development of a new empirical research line on strategies of news translation in relation to current debates on mediated cosmopolitanism and on media and morality. E Bielsa’s short term research plans are to develop a critique of the monolingual vision, as well as new theoretical and empirical perspectives on the cosmopolitan stranger.

Trinidad Bretones has been responsible since its creation, in 2011, of the Observatory on social conflict - OCS2, an entity of the University of Barcelona that carries out studies and academic activities (doctoral theses, publications, seminars, and media interventions) on social conflict and change, in general, but focusing on Spain and Catalonia and its geopolitical environment. In particular, during the last two years the OCS has regularly produced international electronic publications, both directed by Dr Bretones: "Anuari del conflicte social" and "Clivatje" journal, disseminated from different acedemic platforms, such as DIALNET, REBIUM, RACO and CSIC.