Cover page

Your supervisor will provide you with guidelines about the layout of your cover page, specifying which parts should be in English or not. Remember that at the UB, the preferred full terms for the TFG and TFM are treball final de grau and treball final de màster, respectively. In English, those are translated as the “bachelor’s degree final project” and the “master’s degree final project”.
Unless you are instructed otherwise, italicize the title of your project and capitalize the first word and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Do not capitalize articles, conjunctions or prepositions.

Exemple adequatDetermining the Effectiveness of Decontamination with Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide
Capitalize the first word of a subtitle after a colon, whatever part of speech it is.

Exemple adequatCognition and Alertness in Medical Students: The Effects of a Single Night of Partial
Sleep Deprivation
Use roman type rather than italics for any works mentioned in the title.

Exemple adequatAssessing the Structural Characteristics of the Japanese Version of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for Carers

If the entire page is in English, preserve all the diacritics in people’s names or use none.

Exemple adequatTutor: Dr Núria González Sarrió
Supervisors: Dr Birgit Schröder and Dr Bela Vojtĕch

Exemple adequatTutor: Dr Nuria Gonzalez Sarrio
Supervisors: Dr Birgit Schroder and Dr Bela Vojtech
Either way, respect people’s preferences with their names by preserving their use of capital and small letters and their treatment of articles, prepositions and conjunctions.

Exemple adequatMaria De La Rosa

James H. Macdonald

Karel Van de Weyde

Sander van Veen

Gemma Puig Davies

Jana Puig i Salas

Oscar Hernández-Ferrero
Finally, when two or more people appear in a single phrase or list, order them alphabetically by family name.

Exemple adequatSupervisors: Dr Juli Caubet-Puigverd and Dr Laura Ciminelli
Darrera actualització: 18-7-2022
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Recommended citation:
«Cover page» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 20 maig 2024].
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