


  • A PhD contract for 4 years 2023-2028 (FPI)

The project is associated to the recently funded project (PID2022-141627NB-I00): "The island syndrome: toward an integration of life history traits, gut symbionts and population dynamics (ISLAB)."  

Specific PhD project: Host-gut microbiota coevolution in insular populations of Podarcis lilfordi lizards from the Balearic Islands (Spain)”. The project aims at combining multi-omics with host metadata to understand the role of gut symbiosis in shaping insular adaptation. The goal is to understand the strength of the symbiosis over a short-evolutionary time frame (across populations) and the potential role of the gut microbiome in extending host fitness landscape in resource-limited environments.

The PhD candidate will work at the University of Barcelona (lab webpage) in collaboration with the Animal Demography and Ecology Unit (blogspot) at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) in Mallorca (Spain).

The project will include:

  • Field sampling in the Balearic Islands
  • Gut microbiomics (16S full-length, shotgun metagenomics and metabolomics)
  • Diet metabarcoding
  • Data integration at the host individual (sex, age, morphometrics, genetics) and population/island level (life history traits, demography, diet, ecology)

Ideal graduate candidates will have:

  • A bachelor’s degree in a field of biological sciences, and some prior research experience on microbial analysis/microbiota
  • Research and theoretical proficiency in microbiology, ecology, and bioinformatics (use of R language)
  • A strong interest in interdisciplinary research, with a focus on biological questions rather than the particular model organism.
  • Strong written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills.

Timing: August-September 2023 candidate pre-screening and interview. Expected incorporation in last trimester 2023 or beginning of 2024.

If interested, email Laura Baldo ( with your CV, including technical skills, previous research and publications, and a letter of research interests (one single PDF).


  • Research technician – 2 years

Specific tasks: Lab management, metagenomics, and field sampling.

Requirements: Master degree in biological sciences or biotechnology. Previous experience with molecular lab work, strong organizational skills, interest in microbiology and metagenomics.

Starting: Expected incorporation in last trimester 2023 or beginning of 2024.



PhD students

  • FPU fellowship (Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario) 4 years  link

Open: December aproximately
Master or currently enrolled in the last year of the Master


  • FI Catalan fellowships (AGAUR) 3 years link

Open: October-November

Requirements: Master or currently enrolled in the last year of the Master. Minimum bachelor score: 6.5


  • Fundació La Caixa fellowships – 3 years  link

Open: December-January

Requirements: highly competitive, check link



- Juan de la Cierva from the Spanish Government. 3-year postdoctoral calls (January-February)

- Beatriu de Pinós
from the Catalan Generalitat (August-September)

- Marie Skłodowska-Curie  (September) 


Final assembly of the P. lilfordi genome

In collaboration with the CNAG ( we have finally completed the assembly of the P. lilfordi genome! This will be a very valuable tool to start exploring island adaptation and the cross-talk with the microbiome to reach an integrative understanding of the holobiont.The genome will also help us to develop conservation plans for this endangered species. So many exciting projects on the way!

Hi-c map showing chromosome scaffolds (18 autosomes, plus Z and W) (1.46 Gb)
Hi-c map of chromosome scaffolds (18 autosomes, plus Z and W). 1.46 Gb


Sampling lizards in Mallorca 2021!
curious lizard , moulting , our camp station in Moltona

Annual sampling of Podarcis lilfordi in the islets of Moltona and Na Guardis with the Animal Demography group from IMEDEA.

Podarcis lilfordi genome on the way!
Podarcis lilfordi from the Aire island, near Menorca

We are starting the genome sequencing of the emblematic lizard of the Balearic Islands! the work will be done in collaboration with the CNAG in Barcelona and the group of Giacomo Tavecchia at the IMEDEA (Mallorca)

EcoCafé - Laura Baldo
"La simbiosis entre comunidades microbianas y vertebrados: una nueva perspectiva en la ecología y evolución de los organismos”

Quien soy: Soy profesora agregada desde el 6 de septiembre 2019. Para llegar a esta posición tuve un largo recorrido académico y geográfico: un doctorado a la Universidad de Milano, Italia (2001-2005), una primera estancia postdoctoral a la Universidad de Riverside, California (2005-2009), una segunda estancia postdoctoral la Universidad de Basilea, Suiza (2009-2012) y finalmente una posición como investigadora Ramon y Cajal en la sección de Ecología de la Universidad de Barcelona (2014-2019).

Mi investigación: Me fascinan las relaciones simbióticas entre los microbios y sus huéspedes multicelulares, y busco entender como esta antigua y universal relación haya contribuido al proceso de diversificación y adaptación ecológica de los organismos. Actualmente investigo las comunidades microbianas intestinales y su papel en la ecología trófica de dos modelos animales icónicos, los peces cíclidos y las lagartijas de las Baleares. Actualmente, mis principales colaboradores son Juan Riera (UB), Marta Barluenga (MNCN, Madrid), Walter Salzburger (University of Basel) y Giacomo Tavecchia (IMEDEA, UIB).

Mi docencia: Durante los últimos cinco años a la UB he impartido varias clases en las asignaturas de grado de Ecología Evolutiva (Biología), Ecología de Poblaciones y Comunidades (Ciencias Ambientales), y en el máster de Avenços en Ecologia de Poblacions i Comunitats (Ecología). A partir de este curso voy a coordinar la asignatura de máster MECMUC y a contribuir a la asignatura de Ecología Marina (Ciencias del Mar).

EcoCafès: Joan Lluís Pretus, «En calen dos per al tango»
EcoCafès: Joan Lluís Pretus, «En calen dos per al tango»

EcoCafès: Joan Lluís Pretus, «En calen dos per al tango»

Field trip to Palma de Mallorca to sample Podarcis lilfordi and pityusensis!