

Magna Ars

Comunitats de Muntanya



Claustra is the name which groups several research projects focused on female spirituality and monasticism in Europe, particularly in the Peninsular Kingdoms, since 2008. The following projects are currently under way:


Claustra-Atlas de espiritualidad femenina (HAR2011-25127). The core of this project is an active platform, aimed at the scientific community and accessible via the Internet, that catalogues and maps spaces of female medieval spirituality. CLAUSTRA arises from the necessity to build a systematized, visual, and interdisciplinary knowledge of the origins, development and transformations of these spaces. The platform is organized through an Atlas and a Catalogue.


Paisajes Espirituales. Una aproximación espacial a las transformaciones de la religiosidad femenina medieval en los Reinos Peninsulares en la Edad Media (siglos XII-XVI) (HAR2014 52198-P). This new project explores the possibilities of a holistic analysis of landscape and space applied to religious phenomena in medieval Europe, studying the ways of reception, transformation, and development of female spirituality in the Iberian Peninsula and its historical areas of influence.




ARQUIBANC is the name which groups several research projects that work with private archives since 2008. From the beginning, its research has been focused not only on the location and recovery of private archives, especially patrimonial archives, but also on major works of digitalization, in order to catalogue the documents through databases.


The new project, El notariado en Cataluña, siglos XIII-XIV: práctica y actividad (NOTCAT) (HAR2015-65146-P) aims to study the notarial institution in Catalonia, especially with the intention to establish the origins of notaries in our country and analyze the process of its implementation throughout the country. The goal  is, therefore, not only to study the different types of notaries and practice, but also the activity that is generated with scribes of  and the relationships with its customers.

Magna Ars


Marga Ars focuses on the study of Catalan art and architecture in the 14th and 15th centuries.Since its foundation in 1995, it has benefited from several government funds to develop different projects, first under the direction of Dr. Rosa Terés and now of Dr. Joan Domenge.


Its current project is Arquitectura Gótica en la Corona de Aragón: la concepción del espacio y su ornato (HAR2013-46400).



Comunitats de Muntanya a l’Alta Edat Mitjana: Pirineu i Pre-pirineu català (segles V-IX)


The project focuses on the historical and archaeological analysis of the settlement dynamics in mountain territories. Its main goals include: defining mountain settlements on the basis of the archaeological record; analysing the process of ruralization that occurred between the Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. It focuses on the presence, or absence, of local elites capable of organizing a new model; as well as on the definition of the role of the Church, evaluating its regular presence in the territory and understanding its origin.



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Planning and documentation: Carme Muntaner i Alsina. Web design: David Carrillo Rangel