CLAUSTRA. Atlas of Female Spirituality in the Peninsular Kingdoms (HAR2011-25127)[University of Barcelona]

Principal Investigator: Blanca Garí de Aguilera
Project Website

CLAUSTRA is an active platform, made for the scientific community and accessible online. It catalogues and maps spaces of medieval feminine spirituality. Claustra is born from the necessity of building a systematized, visual and interdisciplinary knowledge of the origins, development and transformations of these spaces. This platform is organized through the Atlas and the Catalogue. The text files of the catalogue and the cartography of the maps are always open to consultation and the platform is, at the same time, an instrument of transference, projection and advance for ulterior investigations.

Blanca Garí ed (2013) Redes femeninas de promoción espiritual en los Reinos Peninsulares (s. XIIIXVI) / Women's Networks of Spiritual Promotion in the Peninsular Kingdoms (13th-16th Centuries) (coordinadora) Viella Roma

Blanca Garí, Maria Soler Sala, Marta Sancho Planas, Delfi Isabel Nieto Isabel, Araceli Rosillo Luque CLAUSTRA. Propuesta metodológica para el estudio territorial del monacato femenino Monográfico: Espacios de espiritualidad femenina en la Europa medieval. Una mirada interdisciplinar. Blanca Garí (Coord.) Anuario de Estudios Medievales 44-1 2014

Blanca Garí “CLAUSTRA. Atlas of feminine spirituality in Peninsular Kingdoms. A project on development” Humanities on the website: the medieval world Peter Lang, Bern in press.