Jose Antonio Aznar Web Page

My first research interest is about how the brain represents Visual Space, i.e., how the world is represented in the brain. Spatial perception, which is the way for constructing an internal representation of perceived space, uses both visual and motor information. The nature of this representation and the neural mechanisms underlying it, have become a topic of great interest in both psychophysics and cognitive neuroscience. From these two approaches we try to understand how the brain rebuilds such spatial representations or Visual Space. To understand the intrinsic geometry that the brain uses to represent the perceived visual space we perform experiments on the mapping between the Physical Space (objectively measured with devices) and the Visual Space (subjectively obtained by using psychophysical methods).

Latest Publications

Aznar-Casanova1, J.A.; Gavilán, J.M.; Moreno-Sánchez, M. and Haro, J. (2020) The Emotional Attentional Blink as a Measure of Patriotism The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 23, e30, 1–14. doi:10.1017/SJP.2020.32

Moreno-Sánchez M, Aznar-Casanova JA and Valle-Inclán F. (2019) Attention to Monocular Images Bias Binocular Rivalry. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 13:12.

Sansa, J., Aznar-Casanova, J.A., Rodríguez, C.A., & Chamizo, V.D. (2018) Generalization Decrement and Not Overshadowing by Associative Competition Among Pairs of Landmarks in a Navigation Task with humans. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(2):251-262

Quevedo, L.; Aznar-Casanova, JA and da Silva, J.A. (2016) Dynamic Visual Acuity: a critical review International Journal of Psychological Reviews, 1(1): 7-21

Moreno-Sanchez, M.; Aznar-Casanova, J.A. & Torro-Alves, N. (2016) How does the mind handle uncertainty in ambiguous figures? Psychology Research, 6(1): 5-18.

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New Book

Pages: 512
Date: Abril 2017
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-368-3729-2
Ediciones pirĂ¡mide

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