Latest Publications

Articles in JCR-ISI

Aznar-Casanova1, J.A.; Gavilán, J.M.; Moreno-Sánchez, M. and Haro, J.(2020) The Emotional Attentional Blink as a Measure of Patriotism The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 23, e30, 1–14. doi:10.1017/SJP.2020.32

Moreno-Sánchez M, Aznar-Casanova JA and Valle-Inclán F. (2019) Attention to Monocular Images Bias Binocular Rivalry. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 13:12.

Sansa, J., Aznar-Casanova, J.A., Rodríguez, C.A., & Chamizo, V.D. (2018) Generalization Decrement and Not Overshadowing by Associative Competition Among Pairs of Landmarks in a Navigation Task with humans. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(2):251-262

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Romeo; A.; Torrents-Gómez, A. and Martin-Enrile, P. (2016) Visual fatigue while watching 3D stimuli from different positions Journal of Optometry, 10, 149-160.

Moreno-Sanchez, M.; Aznar-Casanova, J.A. & Torro-Alves, N.(2016) How does the mind handle uncertainty in ambiguous figures? Psychology Research, 6(1): 5-18.

Amador-Campos, J.A.; Aznar-Casanova, JA.; Bezerra, I.; Torro-Alves, N. and Moreno-Sanchez, M.(2015) Attentional blink in children with ADHD” in ADHD. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria

Perez Zapata, L.; Solé-Puig, M.; Aznar-Casanova; J.A. and Hans Supèr(2014) Evidence for a role of corrective eye movements during gaze fixation in saccade planning European Journal of Neuroscience, 1–7

Pérez Zapata, L.; J. A. Aznar-Casanova & Supèr, H.(2013) Two stages of programming eye gaze shifts in 3-D space. Vision Research, 86: 15-26.

Amador Campos, J.A.; Aznar Casanova, J.A.; Ortíz, J.J.; Moreno, M. & Medina, A.(2013) Assessing Attention Deficit by Binocular Rivalry. Journal of Attention Disorders,

Solé Puig M, Pérez Zapata L, Aznar-Casanova JA, Supèr H.(2013) A Role of Eye Vergence in Covert Attention. PLoS ONE 8(1): e52955.

Aznar Casanova J A, Amador Campos J A, Moreno Sánchez M, Supèr H,(2013) Onset time of binocular rivalry and duration of inter-dominance periods as psychophysical markers of ADHD. Perception 42(1) 16 – 27.

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Keil, S.K.; Moreno, M. and Supèr, H(2011) Differential intrinsic bias of the 3-D perceptual environment and its role in shape constancy. Experimental Brain Research, 215(1): 35-43.

Torrents, A.; Aznar-Casanova, J.A. and Cardona, G.(2011) The influence of background on the precision of 3D depth judgment tasks in a real environment Perceptual and Motor Skills, 113 (3): 793-802.

Torrents, A.; Lupón, N.; Cardona, G. and Aznar-Casanova; J.A.(2011) Visual mechanisms governing the perception of auto-stereograms. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Optometry, Article first published online, 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1444-0938.2011.00664.x.

Quevedo, Ll.; Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Merindano, D. Solé, J. and Cardona, G. (2011) Comparative study of dynamic visual acuity between elite and sub-elite water-polo players and sedentary students. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (USA), 82 (4):644-651.

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Torro-Alves, N. and Fukusima, S.S. (2010) How much older do you get when a wrinkle appears on your face? Modifying age estimates by number of wrinkle Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 14, 2-16.

Quevedo, L. y Aznar-Casanova, JA., Merindano, D. y Solé, J.(2010) Una tarea para evaluar la Agudeza Visual Dinámica y una valoración de la estabilidad de sus mediciones Psicológica, 31, 109-128

Aznar-Casanova,J.A.; Da Silva, J.A.; Ribeiro-Filho, N.P. y Santillán, J.E(2009) ¿Es el espacio visualmente percibido un espacio métrico? Estudios de Psicología, 30 (3), 345-371

Núñez-Peña, M. I. y Aznar-Casanova, J. A(2009) Rotación mental: Cómo la mente rota las imágenes hasta colocarlas en su posición normal. Ciencia Cognitiva: Revista Electrónica de Divulgación, 3:2, 58-61.

Alves, N. T., Aznar-Casanova, J. A. and Fukusima, S. S.(2009) Patterns of brain asymmetry in the perception of positive and negative facial expressions. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition,14:3,256 — 272

Nuñez-Peña, M.I. and Aznar-Casanova, J.A.(2009) Mental rotation and visual familiarity: an event related-brain potencial study Brain and Cognition, 69(180-187).

Alves, N. T., Aznar-Casanova, J. A. and Fukusima, S. S.(2008) Patterns of brain asymmetry in the perception of positive and negative facial expressions. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 14:3,256 — 272.

Torro-Alves, N.; Fukusima, S.S.; Aznar-Casanova, J.A.(2008) Models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing. Psychology & Neuroscience 1(1): 63-66.

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Matsushima, E.H.; Da Silva, J.A. and Ribeiro-Filho, N.P(2008) Can exocentric direction be dissociated from its exocentric distance in virtual environments?. Perception and Psychophysics, 70(3), 541-550.

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Torrents, A. and Alves, N. T(2008) The role of the vertical disparities in the Oblique Effect. Psychology & Neuroscience, 1(2), 85-98

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Matsushima, E.H.; Pérez-Zapata, L.; Ribeiro-Filh0, N.P. and Da Silva, J.A(2008) Interaction between egocentric and exocentric frames of reference as assessed by perceptual constancy parameters. Cognitive Studies, 15 (1), 1-16.

Pitarque, A.; Algarabel, S. y Aznar-Casanova, J.A.(2007) Familiaridad y recuerdo en el reconocimiento de rostros ficticios: implicaciones para los modelos de reconocimiento. Psicothema, 19, 4, 565-571.

Da Silva, J.A; Aznar-Casanova, J.A. & Ribeiro-Filho, N.P. and Santillán, J.E. (2006) Acerca da métrica da percepção do espaço visual. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 69 (1), 127-135.

J.A. Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Matsushima, E.H.; Ribeiro-Filho, N.P. & Da Silva, J.A(2006) One-dimensional and Multi-dimensional studies of the exocentric distance estimates in frontoparallel plane, virtual space, and outdoors open field. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 9 (2), 273-284.

Da Silva, J.A; Matsushima, E.H.; Aznar-Casanova, J.A. & Ribeiro-Filho, N.P.(2006) Distance perception in a natural outdoor setting: is there a developmental trend to overconstancy?. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 9 (2), 285-294.

Nuñez-Peña, MI; Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Linares, D.; Corral, M.J. Escera, C. (2005) Effects of dynamic rotation on event-related brain potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 24, 307-316.

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Quevedo, L. y Sinnett, S.(2005) The Effects of Drift and Displacement Motion on Dynamic Visual Acuity. Psicológica, 26(1): 75-92.

Artigas, AA; Aznar-Casanova, JA and Chamizo, V.D. (2005) Effects of absolute proximity and generalization gradient in humans when manipulating the spatial location of landmarks. International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 18, 225-239.

Chamizo, V.D.; Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Artigas, A.A.(2003) Human Overshadowing in a Virtual pool: Simple guidance is a good competitor against locale learning. Learning and Motivation, 56 (2): 173-184.

Aznar-Casanova1, J.A.; Gavilán, J.M.; Moreno-Sánchez, M. and Haro, J. (0) The Emotional Attentional Blink as a Measure of Patriotism The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 23, e30, 1–14.

Supplements in Journals of the ISI-JCR

Aznar-Casanova, Super, H, and Miquel, S.(2006) Distortions of visual space in fronto-parallel and saggital layouts. Perception, 46 (supplement).

Aznar-Casanova, J.A.; Gabarre, J y Maydeu, A.(2005) How age judgements increase by adding wrinkles to human faces. Perception, 34 (supplement), p. 169-170

Special issues in Journals of SSCI (ISI-JCR)

Lillo, J., Da Silva, J.A. and Aznar-Casanova, J.A(2006) Introduction to the monographic section: Spatial Vision and Visual Space. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 9 (2), 237-239.

Aznar-Casanova, J.A. and Da Silva, J.A(2005) Preface to the monographic issue on Visual Perception. Psicológica, 26(1): 1-3.

Other Journals indexed (Lilac, PubMed, Psychological Review,etc)

Lupón-Bas, N.; Torrents-Gómez, A.; Cardona, G.; Da Silva, Aznar-Casanova, J.A.(2014) New evidence of visual space anisotropy with autostereograms. Psychology & Neuroscience, 7(3), 261 - 267

Quevedo, L. y Aznar-Casanova, JA. (2005) Agudeza Visual Estática versus Agudeza Visual Dinámica: Dos vías visuales diferenciadas. Ver y Oir, Abril, 150-158.

Patents and Intellectual Property

J. Antonio Aznar Casanova(2014) The bdpq 3-D Test: Test para la valoración de la fatiga de la atención visual a estímulos 3-D Registro Gral. Prop. Intlectual de Bacelona

Quevedo, LL; Aznar Casanova, J.A.; Solè Forto, J. & García-Giménez, J.M.(2014) DynVA: Test for assessment of the Dynamic Visual Acuity Registro Gral. Prop. Intlectual de Bacelona

Aznar Casanova, J.A.(2010) Test for assessment of the Attention-Deficit by Perceptual Rivalry Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual. Nº: B-1055-10

Aznar Casanova, J.A.(2009) MathMagic CRPM - Colegio Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantiles de España. Nº: B-2250-08