Title of project: The creation of technological resources for the teaching and self-guided learning of Catalan
Reference: RecerCaixa 2011 (
Funding organisations: Obra Social “La Caixa”, Associación Catalan d’Universitats Públiques (Catalan Association of Public Universities)
Duration: Biennial, 2012-2013, renewed till 2014
Number of participants: 41 (including technical staff)
Category: Research project
Primary researcher: Clàudia Pons-Moll (Universitat de Barcelona)
Video links: Promotional video of the project at Obra Social-La Caixa website and on Vimeo
Project title: The sounds of Catalan: the creation of technological resources for the teaching and self-guided learning of phonetics (phase three)
Reference: 2010-MQD-00193
Funding organisation: Generalitat de Catalunya (autonomous government of Catalonia)
Participating institutions: Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat de Lleida; Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Duration: Sept. 2008 to Sept. 2009
Category: Innovation in Teaching
Primary researcher: Clàudia Pons-Moll (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/Universitat de Barcelona)
Project title: The sounds of Catalan: the creation of technological resources for the teaching and self-guided learning of phonetics (phase two)
Reference: 2008-MQD-00189
Funding organisation: Generalitat de Catalunya (autonomous government of Catalonia)
Participating institutions: Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat de Lleida; Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Duration: Sept. 2008 to Sept. 2009
Number of participants: 12
Category: Innovation in Teaching
Primary researcher: Joan Solà Cortassa (Universitat de Barcelona)
Title of project/contract: The sounds of Catalan: the creation of technological resources for the teaching and self-guided learning of phonetics
Type of contract: Accord
Funding organisation: Institut Ramon Llull
Participating institutions: Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat de Lleida; Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Duration: 2006-2008
Category: Innovation in Teaching
Primary researcher: Joan Solà Cortassa (Universitat de Barcelona)
Title of project/contract: The sounds of Catalan: the creation of technological resources for the teaching and self-guided learning of phonetics
Type of contract: Accord
Funding organisation: Casa de les Llengües
Participating institutions: Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat de Lleida; Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Duration: 2006-2008
Category: Innovation in Teaching
Primary researcher: Joan Solà Cortassa (Universitat de Barcelona)
Title of project/contract: The sounds of Catalan: the creation of technological resources for the teaching and self-guided learning of phonetics
Reference: Projecte d’Innovació Docent 1222764456
Funding organisation: Universitat de Barcelona (phase two)
Participating institutions: Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat de Lleida; Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Duration: Dec. 2006 to Dec. 2008
Category: Innovation in Teaching
Primary researcher: Josefina Carrera (Universitat de Barcelona)
Title of project/contract: The sounds of Catalan: the creation of technological resources for the teaching and self-guided learning of phonetics
Reference: Projecte d’Innovació Docent 2006PID-UB/13 (phase one)
Funding organisation: Universitat de Barcelona (phase one)
Participating institutions: Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat de Lleida; Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Duration: Dec. 2006 to Dec. 2008
Number of participants: 12
Category: Innovation in Teaching
Primary researcher: Joan Solà Cortassa (Universitat de Barcelona)