
The next advances in chemistry and materials science will be enabled by technologies providing control over reagent flows in time and space


We study and guide covalent and non-covalent synthesis out-of-equilibrium combining chemistry with engineering and fluid mechanics

Latest news

We have been awarded a Horizon EIC PathfinderOpen project entitled: High-throughput ultrasound-based volumetric 3D printing for tissue engineering (SONOCRAFT) – Project number: 101187842. Prof. Josep Puigmartí-Luis will be the PI and coordinator of […]
Photograph of people in a line
Congratulations to James Nicholas, the newest doctoral graduate in the group, who successfully defended his thesis “Developing non-equilibrium approaches to control the self-assembly of functional supramolecular systems” in December! 🎉 He received his […]
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Professor Helmut Cölfen, who has been an inspiration for the research carried out in the group, in particular igniting a fascination for studying crystallisation […]
Congratulations to Josep, who has been awarded a Rising Star Award during his attendance at the IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (IEEE 3M-NANO) in China! The award […]

An overview of our research

A brief summary of the research in the ChemInFlow group, taken from a talk given by Josep. For more information and a longer video click the button below.

We are the ChemInFlow Group /  Head: Prof. Dr. Josep Puigmartí-Luis


We are at the University of Barcelona (UB)

Department of Physical Chemistry

C / Martí i Franquès 1,

08028, Barcelona

Josep Puigmartí-Luis